S4: Chapter 14- series finale

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Before we get started, I just want to thank you for reading this. This was the very first full length book I've written, and it has absolutely changed my life. All 103,000 of you are amazing and I couldn't have asked for more. I hold this story very close to my heart, as I try to incorporate my personal life into the little details you read about. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this book. Without further adue, I present, the SERIES finale of My Darling....


It'd been two months since the battle.

"Hey dad, how are you feeling?" You asked as you walked into the hospital room. "Better everyday babe." He smiled. "I brought you your favorite." You smiled, holding up a bad of Burger King. "Ah you are a lifesaver. Literally." He said, sitting up. "Have you tried walking yet?" You asked. "No. Bruce is still working with Rhodey on my brace. He was right. Paralysis isn't fun." He sighed. "At least you'll be able to walk again, right?" "Otherwise I'd probably be labeled as a Steven hawking wannabe." "Hey, he was a genius." "Yeah, but I'm Tony Stark, I'm my own genius." "....billionaire playboy philanthropist." You finished for him. "There ya go." He chuckled. "I'm going back to Asgard." You said. "Well ill call you if I need you." He said. "Okay. I love you." You kissed him on the head. "Love you too." He said. "Oh hey, call me when you can walk again okay? I wanna see your first steps." You joked as you walked out the door.

"Ready?" Loki asked. "I'm doing this one more time. I think I've had enough in between Asgard and earth for a lifetime. Maybe we could go on vacation." You suggested. "We never did get that honeymoon, did we." Loki sighed. "Maybe your mom could watch the kids." You whispered. "Hey! You have to take us with you!" Siegfried said. You picked him up and smiled. "Come on. Let's go home." You said.

You fell asleep that night, to a grateful universe. One that wasn't born out of blood, one that was grateful to be alive. One that had so much to look to. One that could always call on the universe's, now, mightiest heroes whenever they needed help. The Avengers would always be there to fight for the lives of the universe. And they knew that they weren't alone either.


You sat bolt upright, and saw you were sitting on clouds. "Hela?" You looked up at her. "Congratulations." She said. "On what?" "Saving the world." "What do you mean? You give me too much credit. I didn't save the world. It was the Avengers." You said humbly. "No I don't. You put on a brave face for your family, when the love of your life ran away. You put on a brave face for your family when you were dying at the hands of the mad titan. You had the power to send young Parker back to your family. That alone ignited the spark that lit the fire that inspired each and every Avenger to want to bring everyone else back. It was you who stood up in the face of death and willingly volunteered to snap your fingers and bring everyone back. You saved your father. You saved your children. You saved Loki.

"And because of that, you've earned your place in Valhalla once more. The two of you will live long full lives together before you come here, you have my word." She said. "Thank you." You smiled. "No, thank you." She said, and your dream faded.

You woke up in Loki's arms. You looked up at him and smiled. "Good morning." You kissed him softly. "Good morning, my darling." He said quietly. "Where are the kids?" You asked. "Asleep, I presume. They're still quite worn through." He said. "Mmm... they're all the way down the hall Loki." You shifted around. "And?" He held you closer, not wanting you to move. "And, they're going to be asleep for awhile I'm sure. So... maybe we could..." you looked up at him. His eyes darkened dangerously, a deadly grin spreading across his face, and the door locked.


"You're so beautiful." He said. "Thank you." You kissed him. "But you're even more beautiful when you do that." He chuckled. "Hey, to be fair, I don't think I've ever experienced pleasure that crazy until today." You smiled. "Ah, what does it matter. We have forever to do it as many times as we want." You said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "When I died, giving birth to the twins, I came back. But I gave up my place in Valhalla to do it. For the past ten years I've been trying to earn it back. And I did, with your help." You said. "You never told me that." He said. "I'm sorry, I know I should have. But you're the king, and you already had so much on your plate. I didn't want to add more." "You're my wife, any need of yours is first on my list." "You can't say things like that Loki!" You squirmed. Loki chuckled darkly. "Mmm why's that?" He said, kissing down your neck. You laughed loudly, sitting up to go out clothes on. "You know why!" You said.

Later that day, Loki sat on the throne, you nestled close in his lap. "I love you." You whispered. "I love you more." He whispered back. You giggled.

This was your off time. Your life. Quietly ruling Asgard while you and Loki spent virtually all of your time together. It was a nice life, of course, but you did miss having that rush of adrenaline every once in awhile. Everyone had gone home, everyone was safe. The deaths were minimal, and most were happy. Natasha had decided to move on from the Avengers, and moved in with Laura temporarily to help her get used to the single mom life. Tony and Peter were back together, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Sharon were all off on a vacation in Hawai'i together. The guardians, Carol, and Nick fury had all left Earth, and were up in space somewhere. Wanda had gone home with her kids and Vision, and everyone else had either decided to retire, or take a long leave of absence. You were really the only one left on call. You didn't mind though, you loved being an avenger. Because you knew your time with them was limited, you wanted to make the most of it while you could. All you were waiting on was the call. Little did you know that call would come sooner than you'd imagined.

"Shall I become a villain again?" Loki asked. "What?" You looked up at him. "You miss fighting." He said. "I can hear your every thought." He kissed the top of your head. "Shall I go back to my old ways and destroy you?" He asked. "No." You laid back down. "Villainy though. Tough stuff." You sighed. Loki trailed his hand up and down the side of your body absent-mindedly.

"You'd need a cause." You said. "For villainy I mean." "Yes I know what you mean. And I have one." He said. "Oh?" "You know how much I'd love to rule the nine realms... right now I only rule eight." He said. "You mean- you want to- again?" You looked up at him. "I'd like to, yes. But I know the team would easily beat me down. So that wouldn't work." He said. "Ah I know." He said. "We could overthrow Sakaar. Pretend that we're villains when we're actually saving them from tyranny." He said. "So my darling, what do you think? Shall I go back to my old ways and rip them apart from the inside, out?" He asked. "As long as we're both in agreement." You uncrossed your legs and stood up quickly. "Let's go overthrow a planet." You smiled, melting the magic from around your wings, stretching them out. "I'll give you a head start." Loki smirked. "Oh come on, I'm nothing without you." You chuckled. "You're everything, my darling."

"Go!" He shouted suddenly. "Hey that's not fair!" You laughed, running after your husband.

~The end~

Yes, for real this time.

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