S1: Chp 22- say sure to the frock

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    As the weeks continued on, you began to anticipate the wedding more and more. You and Loki had traveled between Earth and Asgard many times. Sure it got exhausting, but it was worth it. You'd received word that the team would be able to attend the wedding on Asgard. The wedding was in a week, and all that was left to do, was to get a dress. That afternoon, you took Natasha, Wanda, and Peter to go look for dresses. "Why do I have to come?" Peter whined. "Because you're IN the wedding silly. And I want you ALL to help me pick out my dress. Tony's gift to me and Loki, was getting my dress, so try not to find cheap ones." You winked. The four of you arrived at the dress boutique, and were welcomed by a few of the workers. A seamstress came out and started to measure your body. "My my honey, you are lucky. Your size has the most beautiful dress selection. What kind of dress are you looking for?" She asked. "Well, I'm open to all ideas, the only things on my list so far are white, and not too boring. But you'll have to talk to them if you want full details." You pointed to Nat and Wanda.
    Suddenly, you heard the bell at the door of the shop ring. "I'm here!" You heard a woman shout. You gasped and ran around the corner. "Juliaaaaaa!!!!" You squealed and hugged your best friend. "Ugh girl it has been TOO long! Oooh are these your superhero friends? Nice to meet you all, I'm Julia, her maid of honor.." she smiled warmly at the three standing in the dressing room. "Okay, so now that we're all here it's dress time!" You grinned.
      You came out in the first dress, which was long, with a very long train. It was long sleeved, off the shoulders, and was covered in lace bottom to top. "It's definitely not boring." You sighed. "Yeah maybe a bit too much." Natasha said. "I think it's nice." Peter piped in. "Really? You like it?" You said, turning around. "Yeah, you look gorgeous." Peter grinned. "I'm not sure." You said. "Want to try a veil?" The seamstress asked. "Not yet, I think I'll know when I want to though." You smiled, and walked back into the dressing room. "Alright y/n, I picked out this dress." Wanda said confidently. "Oooh I love it! It's so sparkly.." you stepped out, and spun around. This dress was more of a ball gown, a strapless dress with jewels covering the front. It wasn't totally white, the bodice was closer to a beige color, but the skirt was white. "I like this one, but no offense Wanda, I think I look like a disco ball." You laughed. "Oh come on now, you look great!" Julia said. "Veil?" The seamstress asked again. "Not yet." You sighed.
      The next dress was gorgeous. It made you look just like a goddess, it was similar to the first dress, but with no lace and no train. You stepped onto the podium, and picked up the skirt. "This one is... cool..." you said. "You didn't say perfect. It's got to be perfect." Peter said. "I haven't picked one out yet. Let me choose one." Nat suggested. "Sounds good to me." You shrugged.
      You took the dress off, and got handed another. "Oh my." You hadn't even put it on yet, but you knew it would be the one. You stepped out again, and saw the seamstress with a veil in her hand. "Now would you like the veil?" She asked. "Yeah.. I would.." you trailed off. She put the long lace veil on your head, and spread it out over your shoulders.  "Oh y/n... its..." your friends were speechless. "It's perfect." You said, almost getting choked up. "This is it, this is the one. I love it." You squealed, and turned around to see your friends. Julia has tears in her eyes. "Aw Jules, don't go all soft on me now!" You smiled. "Oh come on, you know how I feel about this kind of thing." You smiled.  "Alright, I need to go get changed, so we can buy this dress!" You said.


    "Wow, are you really going to wear that at your wedding? You wear it every day." Tony said. "And? Is there something wrong with it?" Loki sneered. "Come on reindeer games, at least get a tux or something." Tony said. "Why should I? I look fine." Loki said. "Well, I overheard y/n saying that she wanted to see how handsome you looked in a tuxedo. I think she'd be disappointed if she saw you in what you wear every day." Steve said. "I mean do you even wash that thing? Like ever? It has got to smell pretty nasty in there.." Tony smirked. "Alright fine, I'll find one." Loki sneered. "No, no, you don't know where to go. We'll help you find one." Steve got up and grabbed Loki by the arm to lead him to the elevator. "Jarvis, send Cherry down, would you?" Tony called. "Of course sir." Jarvis said back. "Cherry?" Loki questioned. "You'll see." He smirked. When they got to the ground floor, a cherry red Audi was waiting for them. "Ah, I see." Loki said. "Hey, you might want to change into something a bit more... earth- ish. People might think you're crazy." Steve said. "Who says I'm not?" Loki smirked, and magicked away his armor, changing into a black button down with dress pants and dress shoes. "Okay let's go." Tony said.
    They arrived at the tux store, and went inside. Loki got fitted for a custom tuxedo, all black, minus the tie, which was green of course. "Alright, you look ready for the wedding." Tony sighed. "But am I ready..." Loki said. "Yeah, marrying my girl is gonna be an adventure..." Tony smiled. "Loki, I know we haven't known each other for long, but I'm truly honored that you want us to be a part of your wedding. It means a lot, to both of us." Steve said. "Oh come on, I'm with the bride, I'm giving her away." Tony said. "And it's really kind of you to make y/n happy with having an earth-like wedding." Steve smiled. "It's the least I could do. I haven't told her yet." He sighed. "Loki, you need to tell her. You'll have to sooner or later. You can't hide the fact that your father chose you over Thor forever." Tony said. "Well, you guys are the only ones that know right now. So don't say anything." Loki walked back to his room and shut the door.

God what am I going to say to her... oh hey honey, Odin chose me to be the heir of his throne.. we'll have to remain on Asgard... forever.... dear gods I'm such a good king.

Loki was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. "Hi baby..."  Y/n peeked her head through the door. "Did you get your dress darling?" He asked. "Yes I did, but I hid it, because it's bad luck to see your fiancés wedding dress before the wedding." She smiled, and walked into the room, sipping on a coffee." She sat down on the couch next to Loki and smiled. "What about you? Did you figure out what you're wearing for the wedding?" She asked. "Yes, Stark and Rogers helped me out with that one. I'm all set." He smiled, and put his arm around y/n. "Me too. Just think, in five days, we'll be married. Isn't that crazy to think about?" She smiled. "Yeah that's crazy..." he said. "Are you okay?" Y/n sat up. "There's no need to be nervous. I understand why you are though." She smiled and laid her hand on his cheek, sending a tingle of magic down his cheek and into his heart, calming him. "Thank you darling." He said. "Do you know why Thor was acting so weird the other day?" Y/n asked, rubbing her hand along her fiancés thigh. "I guess he was just anxious to see Sif. Like how I always miss you when we are apart." He rested his hand on top of y/n's. "I love you." She said. "I love you more." He kissed her cheek softly.

If you understand the reference in the title of the chapter you're my favorite person now.

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