S2: Chp. 12- Stay? Go?

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You guys 😭 I got the sweetest letter from my little cousin in the mail today. I know it's totally unrelated but I was so happy 🥺

Time went on, and things slowly went back to normal. You'd go on missions every couple of days and heal your team, come home, spend "time" (heheh😏) with Loki, and repeat it all the next day. Loki however, had been going stir crazy. You'd woken up that morning, with four daggers surrounding you and your husband. "Crap..." you said quietly, to not wake Loki. You rolled over and held onto one of the daggers, trying your best to go back to sleep. You laid facing away from Loki for awhile, before he finally woke up. "Oh darling, are you alright?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbow. He moved your hair out of your face , and kissed you. You tensed up on instinct "It's alright love. You're safe." You rolled over to face Loki. His eyes met yours, and you smiled. "Good morning.." you said. "I see your powers are gone." Loki sighed.
"Yeah." You frowned. You got up and walked into the bathroom. You washed your face and got into the shower. A few minutes later you heard the door open. "Hello love..." "Loki.." You spun around, and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You couldn't resist could you?" You smirked. "Well my love, it is almost April, you know what that means." He "Yes love I know what that means. And I'm happy to oblige as long as it's only with me." You ran your finger down his jaw. He leaned down and captured your lips in a warm kiss. You slowly ran your hands down his body and...

(One smut filled shower later..)

"Sigyn?" Loki called from the bedroom. "What is it Loki? Is something wrong?" You walked out of the bathroom in a towel, to see Loki, deep in thought. "Love?" You walked to your closet and changed. "Darling, I don't see why we have to stay here. It's basically pointless." He said. "Because we're married and the team, they're our family." You said back. "But what about my parents? I don't know how much time my father has left with us, but I shouldn't be stuck here on Midgard when he dies. I'm the heir to the throne, I can't just be-" you glared at him. "Loki, we are in this together. You and I are married. We have to compromise. Now please I don't want to have this conversation anymore. I have to go with Peter to the dentist. I'll see you later." You smiled weakly. Loki clenched his teeth, sat on the bed, and turned the TV on. You pulled on your hoodie with Loki's helmet on it, and grabbed your bag. "Loki.." you smiled. He looked over at you, teeth still clenched, obviously trying to keep himself from snapping at you. You stuck your bottom lip out at him and walked over. "Baby, all I'm saying is that I don't want to go back to Asgard. Not right now." You wrapped your arms around his neck, and looked up at him, but he was still looking at the Tv, quiet as a mouse. "Are you mad at me baby?" You pouted. He still wouldn't budge . You leaned up and kissed him, he kissed back, but still kept his eyes glued to the TV. "Really." You reached down through his sweatpants and finally got his attention. "That's not nice." He said. "Neither is ignoring me Loki." You retorted. "Have fun with the spider child." "He's getting his wisdom teeth out. How fun could it be. Promise your not mad?" You asked. He clenched his teeth again. "I'll get over it." He looked down at you. "I love you." You opened the door. "I love you more."

(One wisdom tooth surgery later..)

"WEEEEEEEEE.. IM SPIDERMAAAAAAN MAAAN!" Peter was still recovering from anaesthesia. "Come on Peter, you can't say that someone could hear you." You tried not to laugh. "Come on, get in the car." "I'm shleepyyyy..." he said, a piece of gauze falling out of his mouth. You buckled him in the passenger seat. He looked down, and picked up the piece of bloody gauze, eyes widening. You walked around to the drivers side, and got in. Peter looked at you in sheer terror and said, "MY TONGUE FELL OUT." He panicked. "IT FELL OUT Y/N..." Peter passed out. You laughed. "Oh Pete." You drove the car home to the compound, since you'd lost your powers, and you didn't want to teleport someone that just had surgery. Once you'd gotten home, and gotten Peter into bed, you went back to your suite. "Loki, baby I'm home." You called. "Darling?" He called from the closet. "Hi honey." You smiled. Even if he had made you angry, you couldn't stay mad at him. "I thought about what you said, earlier, that the team is our family? And I think I should let you decide. But know that I'm content with whatever you choose. And I'll love you the same no matter what." He kissed you. "You really want me to chose?" You asked, feeling the anxiety creeping back. Bruce had given you a prescription to take for your anxiety attacks, and so far up 'till now, they've worked. "There's no need to worry, but yes. I think you should chose." He smiled. "Now. I have to go run a few errands, but I'll be back. No need to fear." He smiled. "Okay." You said quietly.

'That son of a bitch didn't listen to a word I said did he.' You thought.

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