Season 4 announcement/ recap

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I bet u didn't see that coming.

Nah I bet u did.

Hey! If you haven't watched the third episode of WandaVision yet, GO WATCH IT. Because something(s) that happens in that episode will be in the fourth season!

that also means I haven't written the fourth season.... oops. It'll be a few days!

Here's a little recap of everything that's happened!

It all started that fateful night when Peter Parker came to you for help. He'd had a nightmare, where the man you'd always known, had tried to hurt him. When you say "always known" you haven't actually met him. But Thor had told you absolutely everything about him, aside from his name. And maybe he was right, maybe keeping his name from you would keep your feelings from getting the best of you. That is, until Thor completely disregarded that at breakfast the next morning.

Eventually, the Avengers captured him, and you became friends. Close friends. Because somehow, Loki knew just as much about you as you did him. You fell asleep in his bed, and next thing you know, you're dating.

After missions and dances and many nights in bed together, and a full year of love, Loki proposed while on Asgard. You said yes, and got married in the most beautiful wedding Asgard had ever seen.

Fast forward six months, you face the hard reality of children. You'd gotten pregnant, lost your baby, gotten pregnant again, and gave birth to twins. Which, if I might add, killed you. But thanks to the goddess of death, you regained your life, and the chance for the Valkyrie to be reborn. You'd gained wings, power, children, it was more than you could've ever asked for.

Then Thanos came and took your husband from you. They tortured him, beat him, and forced him to take over planet earth. He'd put you under his mind control at first, but Wanda saved you. For awhile he believed that you were on his side, but eventually he got the picture. He attacked New York again, and failed. He surrendered his place, and you began fighting on the same side once more. And while everything seemed fine afterward, one day changed everything.

"Dr. Strange?" You smiled.

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