S3: Chp. 10- This world we once knew - series finale/ epilogue

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Thanks for coming on this crazy long journey with me. All 25 thousand of u! It means the world to me when you guys comment about the story. Makes my day. ❤️ Cant wait to see what the future holds!

"Loki! You have to shut it down!" You flew down to meet him. He nodded. "Let me do it." You said. "I can get there faster, I have wings. They'll be able to tell that you're using your magic." You said. "Here. Go. You can shut the portal, all you have to do is make sure the blade touches the center of the portal. Got it?" He said. "Yes. Be careful please." You smiled. "I love you." He kissed you. "I love you too." You took off up to the roof of the tower.

"Nat stop! It could kill you, let me do that." You landed. "What the hell are those?" "I'll tell you later!" You said, taking the scepter from her.

"I can close it!" You said into the comms. "Is everybody good?" You asked. "No wait! I've got a nuke coming in. Gonna blow in under a minute." "Another one?" You said. "We can't risk it again Dad, your suit-" "Y/n, my suit is fine! You're just gonna have to trust me." He said.

"Tell me when." You said. "Loki how are you doing?" You called. "Oh you know, just slaughtering aliens. No big deal." He said. "Shit!" You heard Tony's voice. "Dad? Dad what's going on? Can I close it?" You asked. "The nuke shut off. Someone reprogrammed it." He said. "Fury, you son of a bitch." You heard someone say over the comms.
"Y/n, close it!" Steve shouted.

You shoved the end of the spear into the energy barrier, and shut the portal just in time to stop another wave of chitauri. "I did it." You smiled. "Loki, where are you?" "I'm down on the balcony."

You flew down to meet him. "We have to kill these things, but it's gonna take too long to do it ourselves." "What're you saying?" He asked. "I know it's a long shot since you've closed yourself off from the bond, but it might work." "You don't mean.." "Yeah Loki. I do." "Alright." He held his hands out to you. You laid your hands atop his, just as you would do if you were looking into someone's mind. You focused on the energy passing between the two of you, and slowly started performing the spell. The spell that would kill all the Chitauri. In human terms, it'd be like using a sniper on every single chitauri at the same time. You'd have complete control of who dies.

You saw the inner workings of the streets, and found each and every ugly monster as far down as thirty ninth street. You opened your eyes, and looked right at Loki's, whose eyes were glowing bright blue. The color of your magic. "Ready?" He chided. "Yes." You said. With one final bout of concentration, a shockwave of pure energy radiated from both of you. A bright warm golden yellow passed over New York City, and immediately all of the chitauri dropped dead.

"Don't faint." Loki pulled you closer. You giggled. "I'm a lot stronger now after Hela gave me my life back. And these wings." You smiled. "Hela?" He questioned. "The goddess of death." You said, 'forgetting' to mention that she was your sister in law. "Well, I'm glad. You won't be fainting anymore if I can help it." He smiled. "Hey, why was the magic that color?" You asked. "It means we're extremely powerful sorcerers. Usually when one has a firm enough grasp on their abilities, it's shown through a change in color. Let's see it." He motioned to you. You summoned a dagger, and sure enough, a light golden dust fluttered around it. You laughed. You threw your hands up, and a bright golden burst of magic came shooting out of your hands. "Wow." You looked over at him. "So.. does that mean that your eyes are gonna turn gold instead of blue?" He pulled you close to him. "I guess it does." His eyes flared a golden yellow. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed him like your life depended on it. "You're so good to me." Loki said. "Mmm. Better not forget that." You smiled. You saw a 'look' flash across his face. You knew what he was thinking.

"Hey. You were being abused. I understand what you went through, and I know the team will understand. Think about Bucky. He's gone through this exact same thing. My dad too, when he was kidnapped. Nat, Clint, Wanda, me. Sometimes you're forced to do things that we know are wrong, but we fear the consequences if we don't do it. And it's your family's job to be there for you, and not judge you on your pst mistakes. But I've done all I could to tell them you're innocent. If they don't believe you-" "I'll earn their trust back." He hushed you.

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