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Finally, after 20 minutes of driving, Jimin arrived at the company. He parks his car not so far from the main entrance. When he wants to go out from the car, suddenly he got a message from Ahreum.

Hi, Mr. Jimin. Sorry for bother you but Mr. Jungkook wants you to come to the company now. Thank you.

From: Ahreum

"Okay then since I'm already here.."

Without questioning or replying back the message he got just now, he went out from the car with the excited feeling. He feels so excited to see Jungkook's expression when he knows about the news. When he steps in the company, many staffs bows and greets him. And he also get some compliments.

"You look so glowing, Mr. Jimin!" 

"Your bump looks very cute!"

"Your are pregnant, but how you maintain your body weight? I'm so jealous, Mr. Jimin!"

"Can't wait to see our CEO's baby! This baby will be so cute and prefect!"

When he got so much compliments from he staffs, he's only smiling and saying thank you to them. That's why when Jungkook said that he can't go to work again, he against it. It is because everyone in this company are so nice and friendly. They treats him nicely when he works here for the first time. Suddenly, he got a call. The person is his Jin hyung.

"Hello hyung.. Why do you call me?"

"Hmm hello Jiminie.. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay.. Why?"

"I'm glad that you are okay.." Jin releases his relieved breath.

"Why, hyung?"

"I don't know.. My heart doesn't feel right.. And my mind now is thinking about you.. I just want to make sure that you are okay. And since you said that you are okay, then good.."

Jimin can hear the worried tone in Jin's voice. His Jin hyung always worry about him. Eventhough they are not having any blood-related thing, but how Jin always taking care and worry about Jimin made Jimin considered Jin as his own biological brother, and also same goes to Jin.

"Jin hyung, I'm okay.. Don't worry about me too much okay?"

"Hmm alright.. I have many works to do.. Call me if anything happen, understand?"

Jimin giggled. "Okay, hyung.. I understand.. Bye bye.."

When he about to hang up the call, suddenly he bumped into someone and made his phone fall to the hard floor and also made the person's thing that he bumped to also fall. When Jimin looks who is the person, he is one of the staffs that working on the entrance desk here. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" They said in unison.

The staff takes Jimin's phone and give to Jimin. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Jimin.. Your phone screen is broken.." He said with the guilty feeling.

"No, it's okay.. It's my fault too. Now, go back to your work, okay?"

The staff smiled. "Thank you and once again, I'm sorry, Mr. Jimin.."


Jimin gave his eyes smile to the staff when he collects his things and  left Jimin to continue his works. When the staff already passed him, he looks at his phone. A wedding picture of him and his husband can be seen on the lockscreen. But now, the phone glass already broke and made the picture doesn't look so nice as before. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart when he looks at the picture.

'Why I felt like this? I'm going to surprise Jungkook.. I must be happy no matter what!' said Jimin in his heart.

Without thinking further about the feeling he was experienced just now, he continues his plan and the main purpose why he actually comes here. He go to a lift that available in the company and push the button where Jungkook office placed at. When he arrived at the floor, on the way he was going to his husband's office, he meets Ahreum.

"Hi, Ahreum!"

"Oh hello, Mr. Jimin." She bowed politely to Jimin.

"How are you, Ahreum?"

"I'm okay, Mr. You?"

"As you can see me now, I'm okay.. Just tired being pregnant and carrying this baby everywhere.." Jimin smiling while rubbing his bump.

"But, it will worth it when the baby is born, right?"

"Yes, absolutely.."

"Mr. Jimin, I want to say sorry about that day. I supposed to take care of you as instructed by Mr. Jungkook.."

"Ahreum, its okay.. Me and my baby are very healthy right now.. No need to be sorry.."

Ahreum smiling. "Thank you, Mr. Jimin.. You're so nice.."

Jimin cheeks become red when got any compliment. "Oh, by the way, is Mr. Jungkook in his office?"

"Yes, he is.."

"Okay then, I excused myself first.."

Jimin and Ahreum left each other after the short coversation between them. Jimin go straight to Jungkook's office. At first, he didn't see anything since Jungkook's office door was covered by something that outside people can't see him inside. Jimin be grateful for that. But when he turned the doorknob, he saw something that he didn't expect at all.


He saw Soyeon and Jungkook faces are close to each other and it looks like they wanted to kiss. And also, Jungkook's hand. He is holding Soyeon's wrist that placed on Jungkook's chest. Hearing Jimin's scream, he pushed Soyeon away and stand up. Why Jimin comes at his office at this hour?


"Wow Jeon Jungkook.. Unexpected.." Tears started to brim in Jimin's eyes.

"B-Baby.. I-It's not like w-what you think.."

"You said that you are busy with works and company.. But, now I know what the 'real busy' is.." He wipes his tears that flowing down on his cheeks and he left Jungkook's office immediately.


Jungkook shouted Jimin's name when he saw Jimin left. He turned to Soyeon.

"You.. Aishh." 

Without uttering the words he wants to said, he rushingly run to follow Jimin.

Soyeon pov

When I saw Jungkook left the office, I felt satisfied for myself.

"You're doing great, Soyeon-ah."

"Serves you right, Jungkook. That's the repay of rejecting me.."

10000 Hours || Jikook {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora