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A shining sunrays can be seen from their bedroom. The Sun is ready to shine the whole Earth. Same like Jungkook. He hopes his day today as bright as the Sun out there. 8 a.m was written on the clock. He was awake 15 minutes ago, get himself ready to start a new day. He walks to their bed from the bathroom and and sitting slowly on the mattress. He looks at Jimin while his hand running through his husband's hair lovingly. He wakes Jimin up with his very soft voice as he used to do.


No response from Jimin. He tried to wake Jimin again.

"Jimin... Baby.. Wake up.. It's already morning.."

Jungkook succeed to make Jimin wiggling his body in the blanket. Jimin opens his eyes to see who is the person that wake him up. When he saw the person is Jungkook, a harsh sigh come out from his mouth.

"What do you want...?"

Jungkook smiles after hearing Jimin's voice in the morning. For him, it's so beautiful. His hand never away from his husband's hair and head. Each of his finger keeps running through Jimin's soft hair.

"I've prepared your bath water.. This time, the warm one.. Yes, I know.. You keep on telling me that I don't know anything, but... I had researched everything and-"

Jimin cuts his husband's words.

"Why are you nagging like this in the early morning..! I'm tired..! I want to sleep..!"

Jungkook become silent for a while and getting mad from Jimin before he speaks the reason why he prepared Jimin's water bath.

"I just want you to take a bath so that you can refresh yourself..."

Suddenly, Jimin lifts his head up and sits while facing Jungkook with his annoyed face. Jungkook is so annoying to him. Jungkook always bothers him whenever he is spending his alone and rest time by feeding foods, making water and now, taking a bath also?!

"Jungkook! If I want to take a bath, then I can do it by myself. I'm not a kid anymore to be pampered by you."

Jimin shuts his eyes to go back to his sleep again that was bothered by Jungkook. As for Jungkook, he keeps on trying to make Jimin follows his words. But, it's seems like he won't succeed at all.

"If you are tired, then I will help you to take a bath.."

Jungkook started to remove the blanket that covering Jimin's body and ready to lift Jimin up in his arms. Realizing that, Jimin pushes Jungkook a bit hard and almost make his husband falls on the floor.

"Jungkook! Is it hard to understand?! I said that I don't want! You don't have to force me! I want to sleep!"

Again, a sharp glances was given by Jimin's eyes. He lays his body back on the mattress but this time, facing another side not willing to look at his husband. Jungkook bowed his head down at Jimin's behavior towards him. 

"Take a rest, baby.. I have to go to the company for a while.. Continue you sleep.."

When Jungkook was about to stand up, suddenly he hears something from Jimin.

"Go and see your Soyeon. It's more better for me when you steps out from this house.."

Word by word, Jungkook's heart broken into small pieces. He even thought of giving up and leave Jimin alone. But, he always remember Jin's words. Jin always told him to be patient and the most important think is he reminds Jungkook that one day, Jimin will be fine and change back into what he used to be. 

Since Jimin went back into his dreamland, Jungkook walks to their wardrobe room and change his clothes into a proper one to go his to his company.

At the company

Finally, after a long time, Jungkook go back to the company. He has not been on the company since the day Jimin was admitted in the hospital because of the accident. Most of his staff feel happy when they saw their boss steps in the company. They greets him with a wide smile and happy face. 

When he steps out from the lift that brings him to his office room's floor, he suddenly notice someone came across him. When he turns his head to the body figure, no wonder he felt like it's someone that very similar to him. It's Soyeon. He notices that a box that full with her stuff fixed in perfectly was carried by her. Then, his mind comes with a brilliant idea.

"Good luck out there, Soyeon." said Jungkook with a sarcastic tone.

Soyeon stops her footstep when he heard that voice. She knows that is Jungkook's voice. She walks and stands up in front of him with a almost cry face. She puts the box beside her and facing Jungkook.

"Why you did that to me?! What's my fault?!" asked Soyeon but in whisper tone not wanting make a chaos here.

"Wow. You are very desperate to work with me, isn't it?"

"Answer me first!"

"You are fired because I know you so well, Soyeon. You must have another plan to make my marriage broken. And, before that thing happens, it's better for me to terminate you first."

"You don't have any right to accuse me!" Tears almost spills from her eyes.

Jungkook smirked. "Well.. I don't accuse someone if I don't have any proves though."

Soyeon shocked at his words. Who the hell that told him about all of her plan?

"What proves?! Who told you?!"

Jungkook makes his annoying face to Soyeon. "You don't have to know. Now, everything was packed, right? Then, you are allowed to go."

Jungkook moves his eyes to the lift behind him.


"Thank you for all of you 'hardworks' before this." 

A mischievous smile was carved on Jungkook's lips. Soyeon knows that she can't do anything to against Jungkook so she just steps into the lift that brings her to the lobby. At lobby, she sits at the chairs provided there and crying for a while. She don't know what to do after this. She needs money to make a life. She's crying and regretting what she had done. Suddenly, someone approaches her.

"Miss Soyeon, are you okay?"

He is Kim Taehyung, head of finance department.

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