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3 days later

Soyeon pov

So, it has been 3 days since Jungkook took a leave from going to work. Me? Of course I know. Eventhough Jungkook just told Ahreum about he's getting a leave, I can ask Ahreum immediately because I'm for sure, if Jungkook had something, he will tell Ahreum.

And also I know where and with whom Jungkook went to a short holiday. With Jimin obviously. But nevermind. This time I will let them be. Let them be happy for now because according to the schedule, Jungkook should be at office tomorrow. And tomorrow I will move to my own plan. To break them apart. Suddenly, Ahreum came to me rushingly while holding a thick file.

"Soyeon-ah, can you put this file on Mr. Jungkook's table.."

"Why don't you put it by yourself?" 

"I want to go to the toilet.. Emergency.. Please, Soyeon?"

I sighed. "Okay, then.."

"Thank you!" 

She passed me the file and walking fastly to the toilet to settle her 'emergency' thing. I bring the thick file and went inside Jungkook's office. Clean as usual. Jungkook's office never being mess because he liked a clean and neat environment when he is working. Everyday, a cleaner that he hired specially to clean his office will do her works everyday eventhough Jungkook was on leave. When I put the file on his table, something caught caught my eyes.

He and Jimin picture's together. Stand beautifully on the table. I took the frame and look at the picture with the annoyed feelings. I hate it when I saw them happy.

"Don't worry, Jungkook. I promise I won't do anything extreme.."

"It's just.."

"I will make Jimin hate on you. That's all.. Not too much, right baby.."

I smirked. I put back the frame at the edge of the table. Intentionally, I pushed the frame slowly and.. Yes, the frame broke apart. I looked at the broken frame while smiling.

"That's how your marriage will be, dearest.."

Without cleaning the mess, I went out from Jungkook's office and act like nothing happened. Why should I clean it? Jungkook hired his personal cleaner, then that is her works to clean the broken frame.

Back to Jikook couple

"Baby, are you okay?"

Jimin looked like he is thinking about something while his hand on his chest. 

"I-I'm okay..."

"Then, with that face..?" Jungkook pointed Jimin's worried face.

"I don't know.. But, suddenly my heart doesn't feel right.."


"It's like.. Something bad gonna happen.. To me.. To you.. To us.."

Jungkook sat on their bad beside Jimin. He took Jimin's hands and put their hands together while  caressing it softly to comfort his husband. He don't want Jimin to think about any negative thoughts that will stress him out. It's not good for himself and their baby.

"Baby, nothing will happen to you, to us."


"I will always be by you side and take a good care of you and our small family. That's my promise. As long as I live in this world, I will keep my promise."

Jimin relieved to hear that words from Jungkook. At least he knows that whatever happen in the future, he will always have Jungkook beside him.

" Everything had done already , right?" Jungkook asked.


"Okay then.. The luggages?" Jimin is searching for their luggages.

"I already put them in the car.. How you don't notice me lifting up the luggages just now? You must been dreaming too far.."

Jimin laughed. And yes, maybe he thinks too much about the reason why his heart doesn't feel right until he don't notice his husband.

 "So, let's go, my beautiful prince.."

Jungkook kneeling down and pulling out his hand to Jimin like when someone wants to propose their partner. 

Seeing that, Jimin giggled at what are Jungkook doing right now. He greets Jungkook's hand by putting his hand on Jungkook's.

"Let's go, my handsome king.."

They need to go back home today. Jungkook had so many works to do. Ahreum said that he had many project to be sign by him, meetings with all the clients and so on. Of course Jimin wants to be here in maybe a more few days with just his small family, but he can't being selfish. He needs to think about his husband's works. Maybe next time, they can make a nice plan about their holidays according to Jungkook's schedule.

Suddenly, Jimin stopped. "But, before that.."

Chup! Jimin gave a peck on his husband's lips. 

"And, now, we can go.."

"Naughty Jimin.." Jungkook smirked.

Jimin giggled. He took his bag and his phone with him. After they make sure that nothing was left behind, they walked out the house while holding hands. Jungkook opened the passenger's door for Jimin. He then went to the driver's side and starting their journey to go back home while hearing some good songs.

Jimin pov

In the car

I looked at the scenery outside of the car.

'Why I still feel something gonna happen..'

'Ahh don't think about that again.. Nothing will happen.."

I turned my head to Jungkook. Seeing Jungkook having fun singing many songs while driving, he made me laugh and forgot about that thing.

'I hope what Jungkook said just now is true..' 

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