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5 hours later

Jungkook pov


I searched for my husband as soon as I arrived home. Only a few steps was taken when I saw the figure of Jimin at the living room while scrolling his phone. My smile is carving automatically at the moment I saw him.


I greet him again. But, same like just now, no replies from him. I know he won't reply to me, so I just walk away wanting to go upstairs to refresh myself after 5 hours in the office.

"How? Did you having fun with her?"

That question made me stop from walking.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing some work there.."

He still on his phone looking at something more interesting than his own husband.

"Why do you come back home? Just stay with Soyeon. I don't care at all."

He shuts his phone, turns off the tv and walks passed me to go to upstairs without even glance at me. Without me notice, a tear drops from my eyes but I wipe the tear immediately. I hope that Jimin will at least greet me when I'm home. But, that's the 'greet' I got though.

A week after

3rd pov

It's been a week though. But they still like that, or more accurately is Jimin is still like that. His treats on Jungkook never changes. As for Jungkook, he will always try hard to win Jimin's heart back. For tonight, he make a cup of tea that Jimin loves. He went to his bedroom where Jimin is. He steps in the room and sits beside Jimin on the edge of the bed.

"Baby.. I've brought your favorite tea.. But, this time, it is the warm one.. You can't drink anything cool yet.. And, I made this with less sugar because I know you don't like something too sweet.. Here, take this."

"I don't want. Just put it everywhere."

Jimin's face is definitely not in the mood. Jungkook can see that. So, he follows his words and put the cup on the lamp table beside their bed. He looks at his beloved husband's face thoroughly but Jimin's eyes never meet his. Jungkook put his hand on his cheek and caressing it softly. He misses to touch his husband.

"Don't make gloomy face, baby.. Oh, I know. You are having bad mood because you aren't listening to our song this lately, right? Okay, let me sing it a little bit for you.."

That's when Jungkook started his singing.

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

But then he stops. "Please continue, baby..."

Jungkook gives his pleading eyes to Jimin trying to make Jimin sing their song.

"Please, baby.. Just 4 words only, please.."

Jimin turns his head and facing Jungkook as he continues the last sentences of the song.

"I'm gonna love you."

Jungkook felt a slight of happiness appeared in his heart when he heard Jimin continues his singing. It made him smile widely. Even without any rhythm, but as long as Jimin do it, then he grateful for that.

"Yes, like that.. Thank you, baby.."

"I'm gonna love you? Not anymore, Jungkook. And, can you please, don't sing that song again? You're hurting my ears."

Slowly,  the wide smile faded from Jungkook's lips. He pulls his hand from Jimin's face as Jimin gives him a sharp glance.

"What's wrong with you, baby? I'm doing all these to make you heal.. I don't want you to be sick at all.. And.. Why are you being mad on me? Why did I do?"

Jungkook speaks softly to Jimin as he used to do. Suddenly, Jimin pushes the blanket harshly and standing up beside their bed.

"Your fault?! You're asking me what is your fault?! What kind of language that I should use to make you understand what I said?! From the moment I enter this house from the hospital, I said that I don't want to see your face! But you still there in front of my eyes!"

Jimin bursts out. His chest going up and down because of the anger he had.

"Oh, one more thing. Because of you too, you fault, I was miscarriage! I lost my baby! All because of you!"

Jungkook gets up from the bed and walking towards his angry husband. He stands in front of him and looking at his face.

"Did you know who are you talking with right now? If you forgot, then I'll remind you back. I'm your husband. I know you're not feeling well, I know you're tired, but please pay your respect on me."

Jimin smirked. "Husband.. Okay now, we talk about husband. You cheated on me. You leave me at home alone. You never accompany me whenever I have an appointment before this with the excuse of you're having so much works! Is it what a husband should do?! So, it's all your fault!"

Piece by piece, Jungkook's heart broken to. But, he still there in front of his husband.

"Did you think you're the only one who are sad? Me too, Jimin. Whatever it is, she's my daughter after all.. But, I told you so many times.. We need to move on from what happened.. I understand what you felt-"

Jimin cuts his words. "No! You don't understand what I felt! Because it's not you who been asking why still doesn't have any child even after 2 years of married! It's not you who seeing your own partner cheating on you in front of his your eyes! And, it's not you who carried the baby inside of your stomach! It's me! I'm the one who felt everything! O-Ouch..."

Suddenly, Jimin felt a slight pain on his lower abdomen and his stomach. Jungkook was so worried because Jimin is not fully heal yet from the accident and the miscarriage.

"B-Baby.. I said don't-"

Jungkook wants to hold his husband's hands but Jimin pulls it immediately.

"Don't. Touch. Me."

Jungkook hesitates but pulling his hand back to the side. Jimin lifts his head.

"I had told you once, and this time will be twice. I don't want too see your face in front of me anymore. So, get out from this house, please."

Jimin points out his finger to the door of their bedroom while enduring his pain.

"I can't believe. The man that I loved with all of my heart did things like this to me without listening to my explanation first. What I had did to you before this is all useless. You never appreciate it, Jimin. And, if you really want me to-"

"Yes, Jungkook! I really want you to get out from this house! Please don't talk to much! I don't want to listen to your explanation or your sad feeling! Just get out! Go!"

Jimin shouts in front him. And now, Jungkook's heart really broken into smallest pieces. His eyes also started to brim with tears but he's holding it back not wanting Jimin to see his crying. He gathers up his strength before he said this sentences.

"Okay. I'll go. But, please don't forget that I'll always love you, Jimin. Forever."

With that, Jungkook goes to downstairs and leave Jimin. While, Jimin is sitting on the edge of the bed enduring the pain he felt just now after Jungkook disappeared from his sight.

As for Jungkook, it is hard for him to leave the house, leave Jimin alone for so long. But, he knows. This is the only best decision for now. For both of them. And, from the bottom of his heart, he hopes that Jimin will be happy in the house even without his existence.

Are you guys okay? 😅

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