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"Thanks to god, Mr. Jimin is awake. He's stable including his blood pressure and heartbeat. You can go and see him."

"Thank you so much, doctor."

Jungkook bowed to the doctor. A smile carves on his lips beautifully. He's happy. He's grateful. His husband is awake after a week. He finally can get Jimin's smile, face and hugs. He looks at Jin's happy face and smile. Jin's eyes move to right side as sign to Jungkook enters the room first.

"Thank you, hyung.."

After he thanked Jin, Jungkook enters the ward room where Jimin is being treated at. He pushes the door slowly not wanting to make any noises. When he entered the room, he saw a body of person that he loved so much with all of his heart lying on the bed, looking at the windows on his right side while both of his hands on his stomach.

No greeting from Jimin to Jungkook when he enters the room. Jungkook just assumed maybe Jimin didn't notice his presence because of he's daydreaming. Jungkook slowly walks to the left side of Jimin's bed and sit on a provided chair in the room. He really misses his husband very much and he's sure that Jimin feel the same way as him.


"Our baby... O-Our baby is gone.."

A sentence that made Jungkook startled. Jimin already knows about the news. Without Jungkook notices, many tears was rolling down from Jimin's eyes and fall onto his pillow. His thumb continually rubs his flat stomach that used to be perfectly round at some point with their baby inside. But it's nothing now. He can't feel any movements from his baby anymore. He can't feel the kicks that always made him smile and laugh in any situation. The baby that he carried for six months left him just like that. All the pain, all the morning sickness that he's experienced in his pregnancy period is not worth at all. 

"I know..."

"It's all your fault.."

"Baby, please forgive me.."

Jungkook takes Jimin's left hand in his hand wanting to kiss Jimin's. He wants to apologize to Jimin eventhough it's not like what Jimin thought about the incident between him and Soyeon. But before he kisses the hand, Jimin let his hand free from Jungkook's hold and put back on his stomach. 



"Just. Go."

This time, he turned all of his body to the right side slowly. He don't want to look at Jungkook's face right now. And maybe in the future too. Jungkook is the reason he had lost his baby. Jungkook made all of this. Jungkook made his dream to hold their baby happily in his embrace crushed into many pieces that cannot be connected forever.

While at the door, there's Jin who staring at the couple since he entered the room. He don't want to interrupt the couple's moment together. He thought that Jimin needs his husband so much in this kind of situation, but he's totally wrong. The way Jimin turned his back on his husband enough to make him assumed that Jimin is mad at Jungkook. 

A soft cries can be heard inside the room. Jin knows where the cries from. He immediately went to Jimin's right side. When Jimin saw his bestfriend came, his tears flow down more while hugging Jin by side.


"Shh shh.. I'm here.."

"M-My baby.."

"You need to be strong, dear.."

"I can't..."

"Yes, you can.. I know you are a strong person.." Jin wipes Jimin's tears on his cheeks.

As Jungkook sees the situation in front of him right now, he knows his husband is mad at him because of the incident. He knows his husband don't need him for now. He stands up from the chair and heading out from the room. Before he closes the door, he looks at Jimin and after that to Jin. Jin gives him a reassuring smile to Jungkook as sign that he will comfort Jimin and everything will be okay. 

Jungkook smiled back to Jin and closes the door slowly. If you asks him either he's feel pain or not, of course he is. His own husband didn't trust him. His own husband accused him cheating with other person. His own husband blamed him for losing their child. But, he knows, Jimin felt more pain than him. He's the one that carried the baby. 

While he's walking on the hospital's hallway, he takes out his phone from his jeans' pocket. He's searching for Jin's chat room and started to type a bubble of message to him.

'Jin hyung, when he's calmed down, please message me and I'll be back.'

Jungkook turned of his phone and put back inside his pocket. He continues to walk along the way before he got an idea to go the cafeteria. But on his way to the cafeteria, many questions keep running and spinning in his mind.

'Will Jimin forgive him...?'

'What will happen in the future...?'

'Will they be okay and fine just like before...?'

10000 Hours || Jikook {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora