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How time flies so fast. Now, Jimin already in his last month of his first trimester. Luckily, he didn't experience morning sickness in a long time. His morning sickness stopped when he in 2 months. He grateful for that. After this no more puking in the morning after getting up. He can eat whatever he want to eat! And he's so happy for that!

And for today's breakfast, as usual, Jungkook cooked a simple dish as he didn't allowed Jimin to do any house work. Jungkook also grateful that Jimin doesn't puke any more because he can see Jimin suffered from that. When they were eating together, suddenly Jimin grabbed his phone and look at the date today.

"Husband, do you busy today?" Jimin asked.

"Not so.. Why?"

"I just remembered that I have an appointment with doctor today.. So, can you accompany me?"

"Of course I can! What are you talking about? I'll do anything for you and our little munchkin.."

"Munchkin?" Jimin chuckled.

"Yes, Munchkin.. That's gonna be our child's nickname until this little be born.. Do you like it?"

Jimin caressed his husband's face lovingly and gave him his peaceful eyes' smile because he knows Jungkook liked it.

"I loved it.."

Jungkook's bunny smile carved on his lips beautifully once he heard Jimin agreed with that name. Actually, he thought about it since the first day he know Jimin was pregnant. But he don't know when to tell Jimin about his suggestion. After that, he put his big hand on Jimin's tummy that sat beside him.

"Yeayy! Today, daddy gonna get to see you!" said Jungkook excitedly while caressing it. Jimin giggled at this beautiful sight. The bonding sight between a father and a child.


They both looked at where the sound come. It's from Jungkook's phone. Someone massaged him. He took his phone and sighed when he saw who is the messager and what's the message is.


Jungkook gave his phone so Jimin can read it by himself what is the message he got. It is from Ahreum. If it is from Ahreum, what will she talk about? Nothing else than the company's matter. Why Ahreum? Where is his 'new secretary'? Soyeon still there in the company. But Jungkook already told Ahreum that only Ahreum can call or message him if any problem happened. Soyeon were prohibited to know Jungkook's phone number as he don't want any misunderstands will happen between him and Jimin.

"Meeting with Mr. Lee?"

Jungkook nodded. "Baby, I'm so sorry.. I never asked for this.."

Jimin sighed. He really wanted his husband to follow him to go for a check up today. But he didn't expect this will happen. Jungkook also sad because he's already excited to see his child's grows up.

"I will asked Jin hyung to accompany you..."

"No, I don't want. I want you.."

"But, you must go for a check up today.."

"We can go after you finished your meeting.."

Jimin still with his words. He wanted only Jungkook to accompany him to for his checkup. He don't want anyone else. He's thinking the solution to make Jungkook follows him to a clinic but still went to the sudden meeting.

"What if I'm waiting you and your office? Plus I also miss the company.."

Yes, he's not lying. He missed the company. He missed the place where he started working after finishing his study. The place where he earned some money to live the life. The place where he got many experiences by working with the kind staffs. And the most important thing is the place where he found his love and partner for the rest of his life.

"Aww my baby missed his first workplace.."

"Of course. The place where we met each other.."

"Yeah baby.. But, I don't know how long the meeting will be.."

"Don't worry. I will be a cute statue in your office."said Jimin while making his cute face.

Jungkook laughed. "Are you sure..?"


Jungkook laugh was louder when he saw Jimin put his hand on his forehead like a soldier. "Okay then, let's change our clothes.."

At the office

"Sit here okay? Don't go anywhere. If you need anything, Ahreum is here.."

"Isn't she supposed to follow you?" Jimin asked.

"No.. Today's meeting just between me and Mr. Lee only.."

"Okay, Kookie. I will follow your instructions. Now, it's time to transform into a cute statue.."

Jimin paused himself from moving and become a pregnant statue that sitting on the sofa and making his cute face. He made Jungkook chuckled when he saw his husband face.

"You're lucky because we at office now.. If we at our home, I wi.."

Jimin put his finger on Jungkook lips. "Shhh.. Now go.. Mr. Lee is waiting for you.."

Jungkook gave a peck on Jimin lips before he leave. "Take care, baby.."

"You too, husband.."

"Ahreum, take care of my husband. Make sure he doesn't do anything weird."

"Alright boss, I will.."

Jungkook walked out from his office and go to the meeting room after giving a reminder to Ahreum. When Jungkook disappeared from  Jimin's sight, he took out his phone along with his earphone and listening to his favourite song, 10000 hours that was covered by Jungkook on their wedding day. He will listen to it when he was alone or missing Jungkook and he will feel peaceful. Suddenly, he heard steps entering Jungkook's office. When he noticed who is the person..

"K-kim Soyeon."

"Oh, so you're Jungkook's husband, am I right? Nice to meet you.." A devil smile carved on her lips while she pulled out her hand to greet Jimin.

10000 Hours || Jikook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now