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"This is the place.."

Jimin arrived at that place. He stands in front of the house for a while. He gathers up all of his courage to face what will happen later when they both meet each other. He takes a deep breath and open the door slowly.

When he opens the door, nobody was there. He tries to search for his husband at his favorite place, which is the balcony of the house. And, his instinct is true. He saw 2 figures there. The other one is Jin. He knows it even from the back.

Jin turns his head towards Jimin as he heard footsteps coming near them. Jungkook also heard it, but he don't even moves his gaze to Jimin. He keeps on staring at the beautiful sky on that night.


Jimin called Jungkook slowly, but not replies from his husband. 

Jin who is sitting beside Jungkook quickly stands up to leave the house. He knows that he needs to give the couple a space alone to settle all of their problems and misunderstands. Before he leave the house, he pats Jungkook's shoulder softly.

"Just do what you told me just now.. That's the best for you.."

After he receives a nod from Jungkook, he leave him alone. On the way to the door, he meets Jimin's eyes for a while and stop in front of him.

"Remember the promise you had made to me."

"I remember, hyung.."

A small smile carved on Jin's lips. He believes that Jimin will fulfill his promise and make it up with Jungkook, but he don't know about Jungkook. He don't if Jungkook will accept Jimin's sorry or not.

When Jin already went out from the house, Jimin walks towards his husband and sits beside him slowly. 

"Kookie... I'm sorry.."

Jungkook's gaze still not on Jimin. Or with a simple words, Jungkook still ignore his husband.

"I know that I'm wrong... I'm a selfish person.. I've never thought about your feeling... I really don't deserve any of your forgiveness.."

Jimin tries to hold his tears from falling down as that sentence comes out from his mouth. He needs to say everything that he wanted to. He doesn't want this kind of relationship between both of them last long.

"But, Kookie... You can give any punishment to me.. I don't care about it.. I will accept it, as long as you forgive me..?"

"You know what? I just want you to know that I tried every single chance I had to explain everything... Everything, Jimin.. But, you never let me do that..."

A first sentence from Jungkook made Jimin bowed his head down. Guilty haunted him as he realized that he didn't trust Jungkook at all at that time. He never let Jungkook explain anything about the truth of him and Soyeon.

"And, for me... If we just live together in a same house, but hurting each other's heart, I'm willing to stay away from you, Jimin.."

"I need you, Kookie.. I need you for the rest of my life.."

"You don't need me.. You said that you will be happier if I left the house.. You said that you hate of seeing my face in front of you.. You asked me to get out from the house.. A-And.."

Jungkook stops his words. He sounds like he wants to cry and as usual, he holds it.

"A-And now, why do you want to find me again...?"

Jimin's mouth shuts off. He doesn't know what an answer that he should give. What Jungkook said is totally true. He said and did all that things. But, that was all past. Now, he wants to make everything like what they used to be.

"I was so stupid at that time... Please, Kookie.. I'm sorry.."

"Jimin, both of our hearts hurt.. I don't want to hurt yours and I don't want to hurt mine too.."

Jimin holds Jungkook's wrist.

"Kookie, I'm know that I'm wrong... I supposed to hear your explanation first.. B-But, I'm not.."

"Yes, that's what you did.."

"I already know the truth.. I'm so sorry, Kookie.."

Now, he knows how hard to comfort someone that his heart are really broken because of your fault. Jimin doesn't want anything, he just want Jungkook and his forgiveness only.

"But, it's means nothing now.."

"No, Kookie.. It's means so much to me, to us, to our relationship.."

Jungkook looks at his hands down. He just want this scene to end quickly with the decision that can make both of them happy with that final decision.

"Jimin, can you tell me.. What is the benefit of us, sharing the same room, the same bed in the some house, but don't willing to look at each other's faces..?"

"I'm sorry.."

Jimin sniffed. "I-I.."

Jungkook takes a deep breath before releasing it a bit hard. He seems like to say something that is very important. Very important for both of them. And also, their relationship.

"No point, isn't it? And because of that, I think this is the time for us... T-To get separated from each other."

Jimin lifts his face and facing his husband in a shock face. He didn't miss anything, right? What he heard just now clearly from Jungkook, right? Not someone else?

"S-Separated from e-each other? Do you mean..."

Jimin throws away the thought that was in his mind. But, when he saw a small nod from Jungkook, so, what he thinks just now is definitely true. He never expect that Jungkook will think about that.

"No. No. Jungkook, no. You won't ever do that, right..?"

"Jeon Jimin,...."

The end

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