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Silent. No one talks in the room. Only sound of machine beeping can be heard. In the room, there's two person. One is lying unconsciously and the other is crying and regretting everything that already happened.


"Please wake up, baby.."

"I'm so sorry.."

These are the three phrases that was uttered by Jungkook since they come to this hospital. Nothing he can do. Everything happened very fast. Now, in front of him is the person who he loves the most is lying on the hospital bed with many wires connected to his body and breathing with the help of breathing machine.

The only wish that Jungkook had now is only hoping that Jimin will wake up as soon as possible. If possible, he wants Jimin to wake up tomorrow. But, he knows, his husband needs some rest from what happened. He holds his husband's tiny hand tightly and crying while kissing it non-stop.

He turned to look at the heart rate monitor machine that connected to Jimin's heartbeat. He scared whenever he heard the sound of the machine. He's scared if suddenly no detectable heartbeat from his husband. He's not ready for that.

Suddenly, Jungkook felt someone touching his shoulder. He's Jin hyung who just come back from a cafeteria buying something for Jungkook to fill his stomach with food. Jin felt very sad to see Jimin's condition right now especially after hearing the real story from Jungkook. He doesn't put any blame on Jungkook. He knows Jungkook didn't do as what Jimin had accused him of.

When Jungkook moved his head on his husband's stomach, he's crying hard again. The doctor's words 5 hours ago was spinning in his head.


5 hours ago

It's been 2 hours since Jimin was pushed by stretcher to go inside the ICU. Jin hyung had arrived here an hour ago. Jin asked what happened and Jungkook explained everything from A to Z. Suddenly, a doctor went out from the room. Jungkook and Jin walking towards the doctor fastly with the worried face and feeling.

"Doctor, h-how my h-husband and my c-child..?"

The doctor taking off his mask before telling Jungkook the condition of Jimin. The doctor's movements made Jungkook's and Jin's heart beating faster.

"Your husband is completely safe now but he's now is unconscious because of the accident happened. For now, give him times to rest and recover.."

A smile carved on Jungkook's lips. Also on Jin's. They released a relieve breath after hearing the doctor's statement. At least they know that Jimin is okay and safe from any danger.

"What about my child, doctor...?"

With the feelings of guilt, the doctor speaks. "Your husband is survived, but...."

"But what doctor..? Tell me..." Jungkook's eyes started to brim with tears.

The doctor put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mr. Jungkook but we must take she out from Mr. Jimin's womb to save your husband's life.."


The doctor nodded. "Yes, your baby is a girl.."

Like being hit by millions of rocks, Jungkook fell onto the hospital's hard floor. He can't believe. A child that he and Jimin had dreamed of for about 2 years left them. Jungkook punched the floor regretting everything while crying. Jin kneeled down beside Jungkook who fell onto the floor. He hugged the person who he assumed as his own younger brother and comforting him.

"Hyung! I lost my baby! We lost our baby hyung!"

Jin felt sad seeing Jungkook in this condition. "I know Jungkook..."

"It's all because of me! We lost our baby because of me! I'm so stupid!"

Jin don't know what to do. Seeing Jungkook screaming on the floor and blaming himself of what had happened made him shed in tears.

"No, Jungkook.. It's not your fault.. It's not anyone fault.."

"Hyung.. Our baby... I killed our baby..."

Jin keeps caressing Jungkook's shoulder to calm him down.

"She is waiting for you and Jimin at some good place, Jungkook.. She will watch her parents from there.."

Comforting is the best thing that Jin can do right now. He can't say many more words because he don't know what Jungkook feel. Meanwhile, Jungkook keeps crying on the floor for about another half an hour before he's calming down. When they step in Jimin's room, Jungkook can't hold his tears and crying again. He regrets everything.

'Why must you go through all this..? It's all my fault...'

End of flashback

Jungkook kissed Jimin's hands that was in his grip.

"I'm so stupid.. I'm sorry, baby.."

"Daddy is sorry, munchkin... I'm not a good daddy for you.. I killed you by my own fault.."

Jin wipes his tears that flowing down on his cheek at Jungkook's sincere words. The way he kissed his hand showed that he was very sorry and regret for what had happened. Jin hopes that Jimin can wake up very soon. Jin also hopes that when Jimin heard about the news, he will calm down, accepting the fate and not blaming anyone, especially his husband, Jungkook. He believes that all of this was planned by Soyeon who felt jealous on them and wanted to ruin their marriage.

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