Haechan - Game Of Life

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Genre: Angst, Gore, Fluff, Slight Smut
Description: Yuta sells women for money, his husband Haechan doesn't know, a gang who's connected to them women find out and attack the two
Extra: Inspired by the kdramas Extracurricular and Rugal, they're two of my favourite kdramas.

Message after message Yuta got, women begging for work, it may not be the safest job, but it paid well. He was on stand by on at the current location with a current client.

He had a hitman on stand by just in case something did in fact go wrong. All the women had a bracelet they used to signal from down below if something did go wrong.

It was an extremely dangerous job, but it was a quick cash grab and if you were desperate, you'd do it. Most of the women were only high school girls.

Some, a bit older, but still very pretty and had an amazing figure. Of course, Yuta's husband, Haechan didn't know about this lifestyle of his, the younger probably wouldn't of even considered being with him if he knew.

It was their 3rd year anniversary today so Yuta had to hurry, he needed to get this job over fast so he could spend the rest of the day with his husband.

He got a text and he looked down and it was one of the women. No, they didn't have his number, he used another texting app where you could just find him if you looked him up.

He gave his hitman the sign to say they got out safely and to pay the women. Said man did as he was told and payed the women.

His hitman bowed to Yuta from a distance and left.

The Japanese felt like he could finally breathe again. He text his husband that he was on his way, kind of surprised when he never got a response, only left on read but thought nothing of it.

Yuta quickly stopped by a flower shop and a jewellery shop to buy his husband a gift for their anniversary. He was happy with the items he brought and headed home, what was waiting for him was the least he'd ever expect.

Yuta arrived home at their apartment and unlocked the door. "Channie! I'm home!" Yuta called out locking the door behind him, he turned around and gasped in horror.

All their apartment was trashed, frames of them broken, glass shattered, mess everywhere.

"Haechannie? Baby?! Are you okay?" Yuta asked in a panic, placing all his stuff on the floor, looking for his husband.

"Channie? Channie?! Where are you?!" Yuta called looking all around the apartment.

He headed to the kitchen and saw his husband lying there. Motionless. Blood pouring out of him. Yuta fell to the floor, next to his husband, he was about to throw up.

"Channie.. come on.. wake up.." Yuta whispered, tears in his eyes as he shook the younger, "Come on.. we need to celebrate our third anniversary? Come on.. get up.. Let me take you to the hospital.." Yuta whispered again, trying to pull the younger up.

Freezing when his husband just wouldn't move. Yuta screamed in agony, his whole world came crashing down, his husband laying there lifeless. He couldn't breathe.

Who could've done this?

He quickly looked around for any sign of who could've done this. He searched the whole kitchen, nothing was left.

He went back to the living room and fell down by the table and saw a note. "Be careful with what you do." was written on it.

It was written in red.


Yuta almost threw up, it was written in Haechan's blood. He heard footsteps behind him and turned around and kicked whoever was there.

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