Ten - Vampire

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Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Fluff
Description: Yuta didn't believe in supernatural creatures until he met Ten
Warning: Violence and death mentioned mentions of stalking.
Extra; listening to Psycho by Baekhyun while reading this gives it a different vibe-

Yuta was a very skeptical person, never believed in anything that wasn't seen to the eye or scientifically proven.

His friends all loved the idea of werewolves, vampires and witches, but he thought it was just a load of bullshit.

But lately he's been a lot more unsure, with many deaths on the news of people's bodies being found with teeth marks on their necks and wrists and a lack of blood in their system.

But Yuta being Yuta, still didn't believe anything, even the people on the news started mentioning 'vampires' and all that stuff.

Every time it was brought up Yuta would just roll his eyes, they were even told to stay inside after the sun went down.

But did Yuta listen? Of course not.

He was outside, around 10pm, he didn't know himself why he was out at the time, he just felt like he should be.

He strolled through the dark, empty city, all lights were off, almost like a ghost town. 'Wow.. people really are believing this' he thought to himself.

A breeze ran by him, making him shiver, he forgot his jacket so he just assumed it was that. He turned into an alleyway, he walked through it then halted.

He felt like someone was watching him.

He heard a noise.

As he went to turn around, someone held him by his mouth so he couldn't scream. "Should've listened like everyone else did" he heard a whisper in his ear.

This caused him to panic, "Stop squirming, it'll only make it worse for you" the creature holding him demanded.

For some reason the tone of the voice man Yuta stop. "Good boy.." He heard, sending shivers down his spine at this mans voice.

He felt something wet on his neck, then something sharp. Teeth? Perhaps so. 'But they don't exist, this is all probably a stupid prank' he thought to himself, rolling his eyes.

"You really think we don't exist, especially when you're the one in this situation? No, darling this isn't a stupid prank.. you should be scared. Naive human."

This freaked the male out. Maybe he should've listened to what everyone was being told. Maybe he should've stayed home.

Tears started filling his eyes and he started shaking, generally scared now. "Oh no.. don't be scared" The man behind him said.

"Tell you what, if you let me take you with me, I'll let you live," he started Yuta shaking his head as a way of telling him no. "or I kill you right here, right now." He could hear the man smirk behind him.

The man have Yuta where he wanted him to be. "So.. what's your choice?" He whispered, licking the mans neck. Yuta felt grossed out by this, but dying wasn't really something he wanted to do now.

The man behind him smirked at the boys thoughts. The trapped male nodded, "Perfect." he muttered.

The supernatural creature then held onto the male tightly while he teleported them to where he lived. "Welcome to your new home." He smirked, finally letting the boy he kidnapped see him.

Yuta was taken back by the males beauty. He was stunning. "Come." He commanded, Yuta felt his body following the mans words and he didn't understand why, why was his mind submitting to the mans commands?

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