Jaehyun - Baby

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Genre: Fluff
Description: Yuta is Jaehyun's baby.

The Japanese ran through the large halls of the office where his boyfriend, Jaehyun worked.

Luckily for him, his boyfriend was the CEO so he could visit whenever he wanted without the other getting into trouble.

As he ran by all the workers he went passed bowed down to him, everyone knew who the cute male was, it was pretty well known who he was.

Jaehyun may be all soft with the him but he was quite possessive and got extremely pissed when someone else touches what is his.

Yuta finally arrived at the CEO's door and smiled widely, knocking the door softly, he heard a 'Come in!' from the other side.

The boy happily opened the door and greeted his boyfriend, 'Hyunnie!' He giggled waddling over to the other.

Jaehyun looked up with a huge smile and span on his chair to face the cute boy, he opened his legs slightly so the other could stand in between them.

He made the standing boy crouch down slightly and left a peck on his lips, "Good afternoon, baby." Jaehyun greeted, smiling at seeing his boyfriend standing in front of him.

The two had been dating for three years and despite dating for so long Jaehyun still loved and adored the male as much, possibly even more than he did on the first few months they were together.

Yuta placed himself on Jaehyun's lap, it was a normal thing, so when workers did walk in on the two like that they weren't surprised or shocked like they were the first time they saw it.

The CEO moved the chair back to the desk and carried on working with his baby in his lap.

Despite not needing to, Yuta did in fact have a job, he worked in a cute cat café that wasn't actually too far from Jaehyun's office.

The male tried to tell Yuta he didn't need to work, Jaehyun could give him everything he wanted, provided for the two with no issues, but Yuta was completely against it.

He didn't want people to think he was using Jaehyun for his money, because that wasn't it, he truly loved the other male, no matter how rich or poor he was.

Yuta looked to the side, admiring his boyfriends side profile, no matter how many times he saw the male he was always so shocked and amazed by the beauty of the CEO.

How can be one so perfect?

Jaehyun caught Yuta staring at him and faced him, "Yes kind sir, how may I help you?" Jaehyun chuckled, Yuta also giggling at his boyfriends words.

"You're so handsome, Jae." He spoke, voicing his thoughts. "Is that so?" Jaehyun asked, sitting back in his seat, Yuta then taking the opportunity to straddle the others lap.

"Mhm! You're so perfect!" Yuta spoke, taking in all of the others features.

"My baby is the prettiest." He whispered, bringing Yuta's face closer to his, looking at the elder in the eyes.

He left multiple pecks all over his face earning a giggle from Yuta, "It tickles!" He squeaked out, earning a soft smile from Jaehyun.

The CEO brought him into a hug, "My baby." He whispered in the others ear and they just stayed like that for a few hours, leaving kisses on each other's faces, a few exchanged words and many cuddles.

Word Count: 565

i honestly don't know what this was, but everyone seems to like jaehyun x yuta content so here you are, i'm so out of ideas right now but i felt the need to post a oneshot.

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