Hendery - High As The Clouds

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Genre: Angst, Fluff[?]
Description: Hendery was a bad influence on Yuta and he knew it but Hendery made Yuta felt loved because Hendery generally loved the boy.
Warning: This oneshot is in no way trying to promote drugs.

They were bad for each other. Everyone around knew that, but they couldn't stop, they loved each other, even if it was unhealthy.

Yuta headed to the edge of the 50 floor building, his feet dangling off the edge. He was at the normal meeting spot,

Hendery usually had all the stuff they used to feel calm. He heard footsteps behind him but didn't react, he felt someone grab his shoulders and went "Boo"

Yuta giggled at the childish action, he turned to face the younger, giving him a little peck on his lips. Hendery smiled and sat besides the elder handing him the weed.

Yuta took it and placed it in his mouth, inhaling the toxins. His mind felt at ease again. They often met up like this, life wasn't the best of either of them, hence how they met.

Yuta relied on Hendery and Hendery relied on Yuta. They'd die without each other. Hendery also put the drug in his mouth, inhaling in it.

His mind went fuzzy, he finally felt all the stress go away. As the two smoked more the drug, injecting some in their veins, they finally get as high as the clouds.

They both moved away from the edge, not trusting themselves near it while high. Hendery pushed the elder gently on the ground and climbed on top of him.

"You're so beautiful.." He muttered, Yuta smelling the awful drug in his breath. Yuta laughed slightly at the sudden compliment.

He reached to the elders neck and pulled him closer, smashing their lips together, tongues fighting with each other.

The night sky was so clear, their heads? Not as much. It felt so clouded to the two, the two have said many times they wished they weren't addicted, they wanted to find healthier ways to be happier, but it always became their last resort.

Hendery pulled their lips away, both panting, catching their breath. Yuta smiled, looking up at the elder, "I love you, Kunhang.." Yuta whispered.

Hendery laughed at the use of his real name, "I love you too, Yu.." He said, staring into the elders eyes, capturing this moment.

"One day... we'll both be happy, we'll live together... maybe have a child.. we'll be so happy, we won't remember any of this" Yuta said, still trying to think properly but his head to clouded for that.

Hendery hummed, finally getting off the elder and laid down next to him. He took Yuta's hand into his and placed it on his chest, "I hope for that too, darling, we need to get you out of your addiction first, then me." Hendery smiled.

"Who's fault is it I'm in this addiction, huh?" Yuta joked. It's true, Hendery was the one who got him into drugs, the night he found Yuta crying aline he gave him so cocaine, telling him it would make him feel better.

The two didn't do cocaine much, mainly weed and heroine. Hendery felt guilty because of the elders words, he didn't mean for it to go this far, but some things go out of either of the twos control.

"I know and I'm going to be the one to get you out of it." He said giving the elder a silly smile. Yuta laughed, turning his head to face the younger. "Wouldn't want anyone else to."

That being said, he still reached for the weed and smoked it, Hendery following along. The two watched all the cars on the roads in the big city of Seoul.

Yuta laying his head on the youngers shoulder, watching hundreds of cars go by, he sighed, he wondered if they were like the two, unhappy, reliant on others, have unhealthy coping mechanisms.

He smoked the last bit he had and threw it as far as he could, Hendery caressing his hair. "It's all going to be okay one day, we'll be so happy." Hendery whispered.

Yuta just nodded, trusting the youngers words. He always thought about if he never met Hendery, what would he be doing? Would he be happy? Would he even be alive?

Hendery thought the same thing, where and what he'd be doing if he never got into drugs and met the elder.

The two didn't utter a word for the rest of the night, until they bid goodbyes because their minds were too clouded and couldn't even form proper words.

Word Count: 768

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