127 - Birthday Boy

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Genre: Fluff, Light Angst
Description: The members celebrate Yuta's birthday

When the members brought a cake out on stage in front of the fans for his birthday, he was so grateful.

He heard here and there about a project going on for him, but it was cancelled due to a lot of fans not wanting to celebrate it with him.

Of course, that hurt him a bit, so when he saw a staff give the cake to one of his members, he felt tears well up in his eyes, but being on stage in front of thousands of people, he wouldn't let himself cry over a cake.

He joked around with the members, despite it being a few days before, he couldn't be more grateful for the support his members gave him.

After the concert, nothing else was said about his birthday, which was fine. He didn't mind, he already felt like he should be more than grateful for the surprise they through on him.

It was finally the night before his birthday, it was 11pm and he was already being flooded with birthday messages from people across the world, yet he heard nothing from his members. But again, that was okay.

They celebrated it with him in front of everyone, he should be happy.

When the time struck 12 and his birthday post was released, even more messages were coming in, from fans, from friends, from family, but still, nothing from the members.

He pouted slightly, usually Doyoung would've sent him something by now, but radio silence.

But of course, he couldn't say anything, he didn't want to force them to wish him a happy birthday, it wouldn't feel genuine then.

He huffed and turned off his phone and laid down in his bed and closed his eyes, he just hoped that the others were tired and fell asleep early, maybe they'd wish him in the morning.

Morning came around, still nothing. It was starting to get to him now, was the surprise on stage the only time they'd celebrate with him?

He had practically planned a whole day out in his head with this members, but they were no where to be seen. 

When he got up, no one was in the kitchen, in the bathroom nor any of the bedrooms. He went and checked his phone and maybe they left him a message as to where they were and a 'happy birthday' at the end of it.

But no, there was nothing.

The plan he had was, they'd all eat together and then they'd go shopping and then they'd walk around the park, since it was autumn, the leaves are falling off the trees and it was Yuta's favourite and before the day came to an end, they'd all go out to eat.

But none of that seemed possible. He could do it all by himself, but he doesn't sound as fun without the others.

He sighed and walked over to the kitchen and he just put some bread in the toaster, he didn't feel like making breakfast anymore.

He blinked back any tears that came in his eyes whilst waiting for the toast to be done.

Once it was done, he went back to his room and picked up his phone, checking once again, but still nothing.

He walked back to the kitchen and sat down in the chair eating his toast as he went on his phone, staring at the silent group chat.

He took a deep breath and sent a message.

Yuta: Hihi! I didn't see any of you this morning?? Just wondering where you all were and if you're okay? (^-^)

He shut his phone off after that and ate his toast in silence, definitely not the morning he was expecting.

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