Haechan x Kun x Hendery - Overloaded

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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Little Space, High school AU
Description: Yuta has been overloaded with  so much work and he stresses over it, refusing to let himself slip into little space and hides it from his boyfriends.
Extra: Kun and Hendery are older than Yuta.

Yuta was sitting in class, rubbing his temples as he felt a headache coming on, unfortunately for him he shared no classes with any of his boyfriends so he couldn't even ask them for help.

He had so much work to complete and it just keeps getting piled up each class, he wanted to cry.

By the end of class he stayed behind and when everyone left he stood up and walked to his teacher and bowed to her.

"Hey.. I was just wondering if you could maybe extend this? I just have so much to do in such little time and-" as Yuta was explaining himself she caught him off rudely, "That isn't my problem at all, Yuta, you'll find a way to get it done, if not you know what happens." She spoke in a cold voice.

Yuta went to speak up again, "But-" she cut him off again, "Yuta, I don't have time for your nonsense, just get out." She commanded.

Yuta sighed and looked down at the floor and nodded and left the room, his thoughts all over the place.

As he was walking he accidentally bumped into someone, he bowed and apologised and carried on walking until he felt someone hold onto his wrist and turn him around, he kept his eyes on the floor until he felt and hand lift his face up from his chin so they'd made eye contact.

"Bubs, are you okay?" it was Hendery, Yuta's eyes widened at the sigh of one of his boyfriends and he quickly nodded, "Everything's just fine!" He spoke with a fake smile, Hendery saw right through it, he's known Yuta long enough to know that, "Baby, be honest." He spoke, Yuta sighed and just buried his head into the others chest, "I'm fine, really." Hendery just sighed and embraced Yuta into a hug and nodded.

"If you say so." He spoke and left a peck on top of the others head.

They had to bid each other goodbye and go to their next classes and as soon as Yuta turned away he felt tears falling from his eyes, he quickly wiped them away before anyone could see though.

Through out the day more and more work just piled up for the Japanese male and every time he asked if they could extend it just by a few days he always got a rude comment in return.

He got back to his shared apartment with his three  boyfriends, they were all home, just Yuta's luck.

"Yu! How was you-" Haechan was cut off by a small smile the elder shot to him and then he headed to his room and shut the door.

It was strange because Yuta rarely ever used his room, he always went into Kun, Hendery or Haechan's room.

Haechan frowned and looked over to Kun who also had the same expression, he walked over to Haechan and sat besides him.

"What was that?" He asked, still looking in the same direction their boyfriend went. "I have no idea." Haechan responded.

"I bumped into him at school today, he seemed off then to." Hendery added, making the other two look at him.

Yuta on the other hand was hiding all of his little stuff so he could focus on everything he needed to get done.

He locked himself in his room and only came out for necessities, to say the three were worried would be an understatement, they rarely if ever saw their boyfriend do this.

When they did actually see their boyfriend he always had dark circle under his eyes, his hair all over the place, he had lost a bit of weight as well.

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