Ten - Vampire [Part 2]

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Genre: Angst, Supernatural
Description: Yuta didn't believe in supernatural creatures until he met Ten
Warning: Violence and death mentioned mentions of stalking.

It had been months since Ten saw the Japanese male
last, it was like he had just disappeared from the face of the earth, no matter how hard Ten tried, he just couldn't find Yuta.

It was slowly eating Ten alive, maybe he shouldn't of told Yuta the truth, perhaps if he kept lying the boy would be in his arms, maybe he would've even fell for him.

Ten was in his house, the place was completely trashed, tugging at his own hair, screaming, all he wanted was for the Japanese to come back.

The vampire got extremely lonely, so of course even though it wasn't that long the company he had was extremely comforting to Ten and he misses it, he needs it again.

He won't stop until he finds Yuta.

He will kill anyone he needs to, if that's what it takes to find the male, he will risk it, he will do anything to get Yuta back.


Yuta on the other hand, he left Seoul, he left as soon as he ran away from Ten knowing he'd look for him, Yuta being Yuta did feel really bad leaving the vampire but he was just so scared.

He was currently living in Busan, he was meant to leave to go back to Osaka but he didn't have enough money for a plane ticket so his other option was somewhere else in Korea.

The thought of Ten ever finding him again sent cold
chills down his spine, he never wants the vampire to find him, he doesn't want to know how the vampire is coping right now.

He doesn't even know if the vampire is around, Ten could know where he was and that scared Yuta so much.

Ever since his encounter with the male he never made friends, spoke to anyone, he kept to himself too scared to trust anyone in case they're helping Ten.

He wasn't going to lie, he surprised himself when he escaped Ten, he thought the male would easily be able to catch up and find him.

Something deep down told him that Ten let him escape so he could take Yuta when he was least expecting it and that thought just made Yuta have his guard up all the time.

He had his earphones in as he walked down the streets, it was early afternoon so he felt semi-safe, well that was until he saw something that looked like Ten.

His breath hitched in his throat and he froze, was it Ten?

Yuta didn't know what to do, what if it was Ten? Would he take him again? That was scary to Yuta.. he didn't know what to do.

He quickly turned around and walked the other way, quite quickly.

He ended up bumping into someone as he was looking down at the ground, he slowly raised his head and his whole body froze.

The man he has been running away from for the past few months was right in front of him.

A smirk raised up on the vampires face as he walked closer to Yuta.

The juman walked backwards, he was wondering how Ten could even be out in the day, he looked around to ask for help but not a single soul in sight.

"Found you, darling." The deep voice sent shivers down Yuta's spine as tears filled up his eyes.

Yuta turned around again and went to run but he was too slow, a hand had already grabbed his forearm and brought him to the vampires chest and Ten covered his mouth to muffle the screams if the male did.

The human squirmed and fought in the arms of the vampire, trying to escape, tears streaming down his face.

Ten felt the warm tears on his hand and looked at Yuta, "Don't cry, you're too pretty to cry." He whispered in the others ear.

Ten would've took Yuta back to his house but he was enjoying the warmth the male was radiating as he was in his arms.

Yuta just knew that he wouldn't be able to escape again, Ten would make sure of it.

The Japanese human was correct, the vampire made sure there was no escape for Yuta, he couldn't leave without Ten by him.

Yuta often thought about how much of a nice person Ten would've been if he just never kidnapped Yuta, never stalked him, he generally thinks they would've got along well.

But that wasn't the case, Ten scared Yuta. He wanted to be away from the vampire, but he just couldn't.

Ten locked Yuta away from all human kind, he'd never let him around anyone unless he was there with him.

Yuta was scared, he knew he couldn't escape.

He was scared.

He was trapped.

He didn't know what to do.

Word Count: 822

for everyone who asked for a part 2 (:

i feel so bad for cropping haechan out the photo so here's the original-

i feel so bad for cropping haechan out the photo so here's the original-

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