Jaehyun - Too Much Darkness For A Rainbow

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta is out buying a gift for Jaehyun for their 5th anniversary, unfortunately Yuta isn't able to personally give him the gift himself.
Warning: Mentions of a car accident and blood.

Yuta was currently looking at all the different styles and brands of watches that he could get his boyfriend for their anniversary.

His boyfriend was currently at work so Yuta had enough time to pick out the perfect one, the Japanese was very limited on choice as Jaehyun already had most of these watches already.

He huffed and was about to give up until he saw something sparkle in the corner of his eye, he turned his head towards it and walked over.

It was a beautiful silver watch with diamonds around the frame, Yuta's eyes lit up and went over to one of the workers and asked her to get the item out the case.

The worker then passed Yuta the watch and he got a closer look at it and smiled and nodded to himself, he looked back up at the worker and said, "I'll get this one."

The worker nodded and took the jewellery and bagged it up for him, giving the bag to the Japanese and Yuta paid and then he picked it up, walking out the shop.

He smiled widely knowing that Jaehyun was going to love the watch and pulled his phone out to call the other.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Jaehyun asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"I'm okay! You're at the office right?" Yuta asked, so he could come round and give the younger the gift as he was impatient and he just wanted to see the younger's reaction.

"Yeah, I am, why? You coming over?" He asked, earning a hum off the elder, Jaehyun smiled knowing his boyfriend was coming to visit him, "Alright, I'll wait for you, call me when you get in front of the office, I'll come down and meet you, okay?" The younger spoke through the phone.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit! I love you." Yuta spoke, bidding the other goodbye, "See you soon baby, I love you too." Jaehyun said in response and hung up the call.

Yuta smiled to himself and started making his way to the others office.

He couldn't stop thinking about how much Jaehyun would like the gift, out of all the years Yuta has known Jaehyun even before they started dating, the other always collected watches, so Yuta just had to buy him one for their 5th anniversary.

After about 10 minutes Yuta was only about two minutes away from the others office so he sent Jaehyun a text saying he was nearly there and got an okay in return.

By the time Yuta got in front of the office he saw Jaehyun outside the building waiting for him across the road.

Yuta's face instantly lit up, "Jaehyun!" He shouted, catching the younger's attention who also smiled widely when he saw the Japanese male.

Yuta started crossing the street until he heard, "Yuta! Watch out!" Jaehyun shouted as he ran closer to the road.

But before Yuta could react he was hit by a car that was speeding passed, knocking him off his feet and hitting his head really hard off the ground.

"Yuta!" Jaehyun shouted once again and ran towards his boyfriend that was now lying ok the ground with blood coming out his head.

Jaehyun started panicking and put his hand against the wound on the elder's head, adding pressure to it while with his other hand he went to get his phone to call an ambulance, which was a struggle as his whole body was shaking so much.

He quickly dialled the emergency help number, his voice was extremely shaky when he was talking to the person on the other line when they picked up.

"An ambulance has been sent out." Was what he was told and he quick thanked them and put his phone back in his pocket and used both hands now to add pressure to his wound.

His hands were covered in the elders blood but he didn't know what else to do, he didn't know what he'd do if he lost Yuta, the love of his life.

That's when he noticed a small bag just a little bit away from them, Yuta must of been holding it, so he made a mental note to pick it up when the ambulance arrives.

No one actually came to help Jaehyun and just stood around and watch as he cried and begged for Yuta to be okay, for him to survive.

Eventually, the ambulance came and quickly took Yuta away and Jaehyun asked if he could go with them and thankfully they said yes.

He picked up the bag, he tried his best not to get any blood on it but it was sort of hard when his hands were literally covered in it.

He shook his head and quickly followed them behind and sat with Yuta in the ambulance, holding onto his hand tightly, whispering "It's going to be okay, everything will be alright."

Finally they got to the hospital and Yuta was quickly rushed out the ambulance and straight into an emergency room.

Jaehyun was led somewhere to wash his hands and then was taken to a waiting room, so he didn't have to leave Yuta alone.

He sat down and took a deep breath in and text his parents letting them know what had happened and also sending a text to Yuta's parents also.

The Korean male was bouncing his leg quite a lot out of nerves, he was there for 15 minutes and then saw his parents and Yuta's parents rush in the hospital and noticed Jaehyun and ran over to him.

"Is he okay?! Where is he?!" Yuta's mother said frantically looking around for her son.

Jaehyun sighed and looked down, "In the emergency room." He muttered, both of their parents burst into tears, never did any of them think they'd ever be in this situation.

It had been about 45 minutes now since Jaehyun and arrived and a doctor came out the emergency room and all 5 of them stood up and rushed over to him.

"How is he?!" Jaehyun cried out and by the gloomy look on the doctors face, he felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it." The doctor said.

Jaehyun's whole world came crashing down, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't breathe, he didn't want to believe it.

"There was internal bleeding which was registered quick enough and he lost loads of blood from his head from the hit." The doctor explained.

Jaehyun fell to his knees and gasped for air, his mother quickly rushed to him and embraced his while she sobbed as well as all the others.

"You can go see him." The doctor said with pity laced on his tone.

Jaehyun tried his best to rush up to go see his now dead boyfriend, with the support of his mother and father they were able to get to the room when Yuta finally laid to rest.

The Korean male didn't hesitate to grip onto his hand, it was still warm making Jaehyun's heart break even more if that was even possible.

He still had the bag in his hand that Yuta dropped and he opened it to see what was inside and his breath hitched in his throat.

It was the watch with a note saying, "Happy 5th Anniversary, Hyunnie! <3" Jaehyun felt more tears prickling his eyes and he dropped the bag with the watch in his hand and looked at Yuta's sleeping body.

He didn't know what to do, he had so much planned for them for later but that wouldn't even be possible now because Yuta left too early.

Yuta left.

Word Count: 1318

i've had the worst week and no one to vent to and to top it all off i start school again monday so i'm this close 🤏🏻 to breaking down and the only thing keeping my sane is them 5 dancing furry cowboys.

while being at school i will still try update because i think i have like 3 more exams left? then cleared for like a month or two so i'll still try update my books :)

Requested By: @xjvniu

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