Hendery - Praises

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Genre: Fluff, After Care
Description: Hendery loves and praises Yuta after a few rounds.

Hendery laid down next to the tired boy, pulling him into a hug, "You did so well, baby." He whispered in the others ear, making Yuta turn around to face his boyfriend.

The elder giggled, and cuddled up against his boyfriend, "Baby, I need to start you a bath." Hendery chuckled out trying to un-attach himself from his boyfriend.

"No, cuddle me." Yuta huffed, snuggling closer to his boyfriend, Hendery sighed, picking up his boyfriend instead making the other let out a squeak.

Yuta wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck and let himself be carried to the bathroom, burying his head in his boyfriends neck.

Hendery carefully wrapped his boyfriend in a fluffy towel so he wouldn't get cold and started the bath then turned round back to face the other, crouching in front of him.

"Are you okay baby? Do you need anything?" Hendery asked caressing the others hair, Yuta pouted and nodded, "May I have a drink please?" He asked quietly.

Hendery smiled softly, "Of course baby, I'll be back in a second." The Chinese male left and Yuta kept his eye on the bath so it wouldn't overflow.

Hendery came back with a glass of water for the Japanese and passed it him while he went to finish the bath, adding bubbles because he knew how much Yuta loved them.

Yuta drank the water carefully, admiring his boyfriends back structure, he couldn't deny, his boyfriend was well built and luckily it was all for him.

Finally the bath was done and Hendery turned back around and smiled at his boyfriend, taking the empty glass out his hand and took it to the kitchen to clean up later.

Hendery came back and saw his boyfriend taking the towel from around him and the sweatpants, which were actually Hendery's he took them off, and flinched when he felt the cold hands of his boyfriend around his waist.

"Let me help.." He whispered in the others ear and kept him balanced since he was shaking slightly, his legs hurting from previous activities.

Hendery copied his boyfriend and got undressed, picking the boy up and sat down, his boyfriend sitting on his lap.

Yuta gasped happily when he saw the bubbles and picked some up and turned around, placing some of Hendery's head.

Yuta giggled at the way his boyfriend look, "You look so cute!" He spoke pinching his boyfriends cheeks as well, causing Hendery to chuckled slightly.

He left a peck on Yuta's nose, causing the other to scrunch his face up at the slight action, he smiled at his boyfriend and fell onto his chest.

"My baby did so well, hm? I never hurt you did I?" Hendery praised then asked, showing his concern for accidentally hurting his boyfriend.

"Of course not! I would've told you if you hurt me, you know that." Yuta whispered out, drawing small circles on his boyfriends chest.

Hendery wrapped his arms around Yuta's waist, "I love you so much, baby, you mean everything to me." The Chinese confessed, leaving kisses on his boyfriends head.

Yuta smiled, he loved Hendery so much, the younger never forgot to make the elder feel loved, especially when he needed it most.

Yuta sat up and looked at the younger, cupping his face and left a peck on his lips, "I love you too Hendery, so, so much, I couldn't imagine my life without you." Yuta spoke shyly, smiling at the other.

Hendery laughed slightly, "Let me wash your hair, hm?" Hendery asked, getting an eager nod from the other.

Yuta turned around, Hendery grabbing the shampoo and massaging it into the others scalp, Yuta sighed at the feeling.

Hendery was always so good with the aftercare, always looked after him, made sure he was hydrated, praising and giving him all the love in the world.

"Close your eyes for me, darling." Hendery spoke, also covering the elders eyes with his hand as he washed out all the shampoo from the others hair.

The two were sat in a comfortable silence as Hendery picked up the conditioner and also massaged that into his hair.

"Can I also wash your hair?" Yuta asked, relaxing into the youngers touch, "Of course you can, baby." Hendery smiled, he wasn't going to lie, he loved the way Yuta took care of him.

The elder was so hard working, always looked out the Chinese, made sure he never overworked himself, cooked for him when he wasn't eating well, Yuta always made sure Hendery was healthy and the happiest he can be and always there to comfort him when he was down.

Once Hendery was done with Yuta's hair the Japanese turned around and did the exact same thing with Hendery's.

He sat on his knees and Hendery left small kisses among his stomach earning small giggles from the other.

Hendery loved the sound of the elders giggled and looked up slightly, "Don't look up! I'm washing your hair!" Yuta whined, earning a laugh from the other.

"Sorry, I wanted to admire my baby's beauty." Hendery spoke, leaning his head against Yuta.

The Japanese blushed caressing the others hair, "I'm not that pretty, you always over exaggerate." Yuta sighed, finishing up with the others hair.

"I don't think I do, you're the prettiest baby ever." Hendery smiled, bringing the boy into another kiss.

Yuta smiled against the youngers lips and then pulled away, "Shhh, I get shy when you compliment me like that!" He giggled splashing Hendery with the water.

Hendery chuckled, "My baby needs to know he's the prettiest!" He exclaimed, earning another giggle from Yuta.

The two finished with their bath and Hendery got out first to get Yuta a fluffy towel, "Come in darling, let's get you dry." He spoke softly, helping the other out the bath.

Hendery also wrapped a towel around himself and guided the other out the bathroom to their shared bedroom, smiling softly at the way his boyfriend waddled slightly.

Hendery helped Yuta get dried and dressed and did the same for himself then carried the other to the bed  and placed him down.

The Chinese got next to him and pulled Yuta into a cuddle like he wanted earlier.

"I love you baby" Hendery whispered, pecking his boyfriends head, Yuta lifted his head up slightly and looked at his boyfriend, "I love you too."

Word Count: 1074

if no one told you today, i love you and i'm so proud of you <3 ''

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