Winwin - 90's Love

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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Slight Smut.
Description: Yuta and Winwin are in a relationship, the problem is it's the early 90's so they have to hide it in public.

Sicheng and Yuta were on a date but of course, they couldn't hold hands, kiss, anything like that as it was extremely looked down upon in Korea and the chances of them getting attacked were very high.

So instead, they kept it on the down low, to people around it just looked like two good friends hanging out together, nothing more.

The two enjoyed their time together as they were quite busy with work, Sicheng was a business man while Yuta worked in the entertainment industry.

If anyone found out they were gay and in a relationship they could lose their jobs, but thankfully only them and close friends who they trusted knew.

The two were foreigners living in Korea, meaning their parents don't even know about the other which made it a lot easier for them.

They were currently sitting in a café, it had a warm and homely-like atmosphere around it, it happened to be the two's favourite café, simply because it was where they had their first date and they came back every few months to have another date for old times sake.

The two were just talking amongst themselves, enjoying the company of the other until they saw another figure standing by Yuta.

The Japanese male looked up and greeted the woman who was standing in front of him.

"Excuse me, sir?" The woman asked the Japanese, completely ignoring the others existence.

The woman had a tall slender figure, curls in her hair, makeup done, a short dress and high heels.

Yuta looked over to Sicheng then back at the woman, "Yes? May I help you?" he asked confused on why some woman has came up to them and started speaking.

"May I have your number? We can go out sometime if your down for it, hm?" She asked trying to make her voice as seductive as possible.

Yuta furrowed his eyebrows and shook his hand declining the offer, "I'm okay, thanks for the offer though."

The woman gasped, "No? I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity, are you shy?" She asked, curling her finger around her hair.

Yuta laughed slightly, "No I'm not shy, I'm fine really." Yuta spoke, angering the woman.

She put her hands on his shoulder slowly going down to his chest, getting closer to him and putting her boobs up all in his face.

Yuta looked away as he tried to remove the woman's hands off his body, "Are you sure.. you're missing out." She whispered in his ear.

Sicheng was getting extremely irritated by this woman, how dare she put her hands on his boyfriend and try seduce him like that?

It's not even like the man could say he had a boyfriend.

"He said he's fine, now please get your hands off him" Sicheng spoke up, anger lacing in his tone.

The woman looked up and frowned, "Sorry sir, this has nothing to do with you." she spoke with an attitude.

"Please stop touching me." Yuta said and sighed, getting extremely irritated by this woman's presence.

"But-" She was cut off, "He said stop touching him, go away." Sicheng's voice went extremely low, making the woman instantly back off and sent shivers down Yuta's spine.

The woman scoffed, walking away and swaying her hips obviously trying to still seduce Yuta, when she looked back and saw he wasn't even looking at her, she stomped her foot and stormed out the café.

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