Johnny x Mark - Theres Always A Duo In A Trio

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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Highschool AU
Description: Yuta feels like he is being left out by his two best friends, little does he know they have something planned for him.

Mark and Johnny were sitting together without their other friend, whispering amongst themselves so no one else could hear.

Yuta who had just entered the classroom smiled as he saw his two best friends and walked over to them, pulling a seat out to sit by them.

"What're you talking about?" Yuta asks with a smile and sat down in front of them, the two immediately stopped talking and cleared their throats, "Nothing, don't worry about it." Mark said, looking away from the Japanese.

Yuta's smile faltered slightly but he quickly shook his head and thought nothing of it and just forgot about it, expecting it to be a one time thing.

However, it wasn't a one time thing, it started happening more and more, the two would always change subjects every time Yuta came, they always hung out together without even inviting Yuta and always said they didn't know if he wanted to come so they didn't bother even asking.

Day by day, Yuta wasn't smiling as much, his motivation to even go to school lessened as the only reason he'd even turn up was for his two friends.

The Japanese was getting tired of the way everything was, he didn't even know what had happened, everything between the three of them, everything was going so smoothly and all of a sudden it all changed.

The male walked over to the other two who were sitting on the far end of the canteen and sat down in front of them like usual.

Yuta put on a smile and asked, "Do you guys wanna do something later?" making the other two shake their head, "Me and Mark have already made plans together." Johnny said, Yuta's smile dropped instantly and he looked down and nodded, "Oh." he said in barley a whisper.

"Maybe next time?" Mark said with a slight laugh and Yuta just nodded, wiping away the tears that had just fallen on his face, he couldn't let the other two know he was crying.

The rest of the lunch Mark and Johnny spoke to each other while Yuta was just wondering where he had gone wrong and what he could do to change it.

As soon as the bell went to indicate lunch was over Yuta quickly stood up from his seat and ran out of the room, Johnny and Mark's eyes following after him.

The American let out a heavy sigh, "We're going to do this quickly." He said, making Mark nod, they both noticed the way Yuta's smile just dropped and they immediately felt a wave of guilty wash over them.


Over the following few weeks, the Japanese male stopped hanging out with the two completely, he found some other people to spend his time with and completely ghosted the two.

The duo felt slight panic as soon as they started noticing this, "Maybe we should've thought of something else." Mark whispered as the two of them watched Yuta laugh and play around with his new friends.

Johnny nodded in agreement, "It's too late to back out now, we've pretty much fucked up our friendship with him, we might as well go the full way.." Johnny responded, making Mark hum, he wasn't too sure about their plan anymore.

At the beginning he was positive it'll work, but now, he wasn't so sure, neither of them expecting it to take this long anyway, hence why they did what they did, they thought it'd be done within a few days, not weeks.

Yet, it was nice to see Yuta truly smile and laugh for the first time in a while, they had missed hearing his laugh and seeing him smile, the two felt like complete assholes for they had done.

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