Taeil - Homesick

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta is feeling homesick

The boys have been on a break for some time now, they've all been at home, aside from a few group schedules here and there, but not much.

Yet, they couldn't help but notice that Yuta had been acting a bit off lately, he was a lot more reserved, they didn't see him smile or laugh as much and he stayed in his room as much as he could.

All the members would ask Taeyong if he was okay, expecting him to know since he was their leader and everyone usually voiced their concerns to him, but this time, he didn't know either and it was bothering him a lot.

"Hey, hyung?" Taeyong called out to Taeil who turned around to face his leader, "Yongie? Are you okay?" He asked, as he sat down on the couch.

"Is Yuta okay? Everyone's been asking me if he's fine but he hasn't come to me and said anything but we can all clearly see something is wrong." Taeyong said making Taeil hum.

"Ive also been noticing also, we don't speak much when we're together in the room but he has been strangely quiet, with everyone and that's not like him." Taeil said as he looked over to his shared room with the Japanese, really worried about him.

The leader nodded and followed the elders eyes, "Do you think you could talk to him for us? We're all so worried about him.." Taeyong sighed out making Taeil look back over to him and nod.

"I'll try my best." Taeil said making Taeyong smile, he thanked the elder who stood up and headed over to his room and knocked the door.

"Hey Yuta, can I come in?" Taeil asked, he was only asking because at times when he was down they all knew Yuta liked his space and unfortunately deal with his problems on his own.

He heard a hum from the other side of the door and he opened it and walked inside the dark room since the curtains were closed, he found the younger male in bed, the covers completely over his head, blocking out any sort of light.

Taeil sighed a the sight, it had been a common sighting for him every time he came in.

He sat on the bed besides the younger and pulled the covers down slightly earning a whine from the other, "Is there anything you need hyung?" Yuta asked with annoyance laced in his tone.

"There is." Taeil said making Yuta pull the covers down a little more and he faced the other, "What is it?" He asked.

Taeil sighed, "Yuta are you okay? We've all been noticing you haven't been yourself as of recent, you know we're all here for you." Taeil spoke with a soft smile on his face as he lightly caressed the others hair, Yuta leaning into the touch.

Yuta gulped down the lump that was forming in his throat and nodded looking away, "I'm okay, hyung." He spoke barley over a whisper.

Taeil however, was not convinced, "Are you sure? Please, if there's anything you want to say, tell me, please do, bottling it up will just make things worse, hm?" He said and he finally noticed the tears slipping from the younger's eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, come here.." Taeil whispered as he pulled Yuta up and embraced the younger who just broke down into tears.

Taeil caressed the younger's hair and rubbed his back up and down to calm him.

"Hyung.. I want to go home.." Yuta sobbed out, barley able to form sentences because of crying.

The elder then realised it was homesickness, unfortunately Taeil couldn't relate as much, sure he missed his home with his parents but he'd never have to experience it as bad as Yuta, Mark and Johnny would, he can just drive to his home unlike them two.

"Oh baby.." Taeil whispered out as the other just cried even more.

"Hyung.. when can I go home again?" Yuta cried out as he pulled away from his hyung and faced him with tears falling down his face.

Taeil gulped as he didn't know how to answer that, no one knew when the foreign members could go home and see their family.

"I miss my parents, hyung." Yuta cried as he tried to wipe his tears, but it was pretty much pointless as more just kept falling.

"I know baby, it's only for a bit longer.." Taeil whispered as he brought the other back into a hug and Yuta this time returned the hug and wrapped his arms around the elder tightly, enjoying the comfort of the others hug.

Taeil placed a small kiss on top of the others head and the two stayed like that until the others cries had quietened down until they were just shaky breaths.

"Can you stay with me, hyung?" Yuta whispered out as he moved closer to the elder, practically sitting on his lap now.

How could the other turn down such request? Of course he agreed and the two cuddled in Yuta's bed as he buried his head in the elders chest.

"Baby?" He called out making Yuta hum in response, completely calmed by the sound of the others heart beat.

"I know it's not the same, but why don't you facetime or call them, hm?" He asked making Yuta nod as he reached for his phone.

"Will you go?" Yuta asked shyly making the elder smile at him adoringly as he had never seen the younger like this before.

"Not if you don't want me to." Taeil said making Yuta nod, the younger did just as his hyung recommended and facetimed his parents while Taeil was still cuddling Yuta but he made sure to keep quiet so the younger could enjoy speaking to his parents.

After the facetime had ended Yuta immediately turned around in Taeil's arms and buried his head in the elders chest again and listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Feel a bit better?" He whispered making the other nod, "Thank you, hyung." He said back in the same tone making Taeil smile as he played with the others hair.

"Of course, baby, but please come speak to one of us next time, it's no good keeping it to yourself, we tell you this all the time." Taeil said sternly making Yuta giggle slightly.

"I know hyung, I'm trying I promise." He said as he looked up at the elder with a smile on his face, the one Taeil loved dearly.

The elder smiled back and pressed a small kiss on the younger's nose, "I know baby, now go to sleep and we'll spend time with the others tomorrow, okay?" Taeil said making Yuta nod and he closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly in the elders arms.

Word Count: 1141

look at me being some what consistent with updating this book lmao

also i was meant to add this in the xiaojun chapter but my dumbass forgot, the last chapter was an idea given by my friend kyujong24_ :) <3

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