Kazuma x Ryoki - Be My Forever Only

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta falls in love with the two whilst filming High and Low, but is too scared to tell them.

The trio had been together a lot recently, mainly because of the filming of their new movie, High and Low.

However, they do often spend a lot of time with each other outside of filming as well, causing them to become incredibly close.

This wasn't good on Yuta's heart, he attached himself to people he grew close with, but this time, his feelings grew much bigger than he ever expected.

Kazuma and Ryoki were close with each other anyway, Yuta did sometimes feel like an outsider as he was always travelling from Korea to Japan, being busy with NCT as well.

The pair never left him out though, always including him everything they did, which also made his heart grow in fondness.

After a few months of being with them almost all the time, he started coming to terms with his own feelings, he recognised for a while that the possibility of him liking them was there, but he knew they'd never like him back.

He wasn't even sure if they were into guys, let alone being together as a trio in that sense, he wasn't even sure that the two even liked each other like that.

There was so many possibilities that could ruin everything if he confessed.

As filming carried on, his feelings grew more and it was starting to mess with his head, he couldn't tell anyone. He wanted to tell his members, the ones he trusted the most, but even then, he couldn't risk it.

Yuta sighed as he watched the duo film a scene together, he was just spectating, waiting for his own scenes, he couldn't help but notice how close the two seemed.

Sure, he knew they were close, but he had been in Korea for a few weeks, doing work with 127 and the pair seemed a lot closer now than they did a few weeks ago.

He of course didn't want to bring it to their attention, he didn't want to seem jealous by his friends being a little closer with each other, it was a pathetic reason.

The distance he had between the two made him realise he was confident in his feelings towards the two, which made things more complicated. He was too nervous to ever ask them the question on their sexuality, he didn't know their viewpoints on the community as a whole either.

He then heard his name and looked to his left and saw the director smiling at him and pointing over towards the duo, he got the idea that it was his turn to film with them.

"Yuyu!" Kazuma called towards him, this was the first time he had seen the two or spoken to them since he landed in Japan.

He waved towards the two and smiled, when he was finally in arms length of the two, they wrapped him up into a tight hug. He just hoped they couldn't feel the rate his heart was beating at.

Their hugs were warm and gentle, he loved them, he didn't think he could get enough of them. Before he completely melted into their embrace, the director called for the scene to begin.


This went on for two weeks, Yuta just fell for the two more and more. He didn't know what to do, he was stuck. He wanted to pull himself away from the trio but he'd hate to lose such friendship, but he was miserable.

He could see the two were very close, over the last couple of weeks, sexuality had been brought up, he learnt the two were both into men, but from their dynamic, he assumed they were into each other and not him.

He could feel his own heart sinking further and further every time. He eventually stopped hanging out with them during filming and stopped answering their texts as much.

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