Jaehyun x Taeyong - You're My Paradise

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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid AU
Description: Yuta, Jaehyun and Taeyong go to a trip to a tropical island and Yuta forgets something back home and assumes he's ruined their trip.

"Baby?" A voice called out and Yuta's head immediately shot up and his cat ears twitched at the familiar voice.

Jaehyun's head popped around the corner of the room and smiled when he saw the cat hybrid sitting in a pile
of clothes, not being able to decide what he wanted to take.

"When you've finished packing, make sure to pick up the camera, we want to take as many pictures of this trip as possible!" He said and Yuta nodded, "I'll remember, Jae!" He smiled widely and Jaehyun nodded and went back to find Taeyong to sort out last minute things for their trip.

The hybrid was so excited for this trip, the three of them hadn't done anything like this for a long time, especially because Taeyong and Jaehyun were always busy with their jobs so Yuta wanted to make this the best trip ever.

After about twenty minutes he finally finished packing and put away the remaining clothes he didn't want to take.

"My love, are you done?" Taeyong called and Yuta quickly stood up and ran out the room with his luggage, "I'm done, Yongie!" He said, bouncing on his feet out of excitement.

"Let's go, then." Jaehyun spoke and took Yuta's luggage and Taeyong took his hand. The three of them walked to the car and Yuta sat in the back.

While he was sitting there, he couldn't help but think he had forgotten something. However, he didn't pay much mind to it since it probably wasn't important anyway.

His ears were twitching in excitement as he wrapped his tail around his waist and waited patiently for the two humans to come.

After they made sure their home was all locked up, the two of them came into the car and Taeyong stared the car and drove to the airport. "Are you excited, baby?" Jaehyun asked as he turned around to face the hybrid.

Yuta nodded and sat forward. "I'm so, so excited! I'm so happy we get to spend so much time together." He said, the happiness and excitement laced in his tone and the two's heart melted.

Once they arrived at their airport, they all took their luggage and headed inside.

After all the security check, waiting for the plane, they finally boarded and were seated. Yuta couldn't help but bounce up and down in his seat out of excitement.

He was sat in between both Taeyong and Jaehyun. "Baby, calm down." Taeyong laughed and caressed the back of his hand.

"I'm just so excited, Yongie." The hybrid pouted and Taeyong chuckled and placed a small peck on his lips.

After take off, Yuta ended up falling asleep which was definitely a plus for Jaehyun and Taeyong since they didn't have to worry about calming an excited Yuta every two minutes.


They had arrived a few hours ago and they were all unpacked. Yuta insisted it had to sleep with Taeyong and Jaehyun the whole time, despite them having a whole house to themselves with five bedrooms (which in itself wasn't necessary).

But how could the two turn down their adorable kitty? They couldn't. So of course, they accepted his request and Yuta hadn't stopped smiling and laughing since they arrived.

It was nearly night as they had been flying all day and when they landed they unpacked right away.

Yuta ran outside on the balcony and gasped. "Jae! Yongie! Look at the sunset!" He gasped and pointed to the stunning view in front of them.

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