Taeil x Taeyong - Pay Attention

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Genre: Angst, Slight Smut, Fluff, Little Space
Description: Yuta slips during sex
Warnings/Extra: Slight smut is only at the beginning, not the full chapter, Safe word use.

Through out the whole session, Yuta felt completely out of it, he didn't know what it was, he's usually always down for stuff like this, but today, today was different.

Yet, he still consented to it, not wanting to disappoint his boyfriends, but maybe he shouldn't of.

Having their hands on his body didn't feel like it normally did, instead it felt suffocating almost, like he didn't want them to touch him like this, or at all perhaps.

Don't get him wrong, Taeil and Taeyong were the best boyfriends he could ever ask for, they always made sure he was fine and in the right headspace before having sex, constantly checking up if he wanted to go any further.

But no matter how many times they told him they could stop any time he wanted, he never did.

Which led up to the current point, both of them in him, Yuta crying, not for a good reason, he could feel himself falling further and further into his head.

He definitely slipped, but he was fighting it, wanting to stay big, to stay aware of what was going on because he knew little Yuta won't know how to get out of the situation.

So he did the first thing that came to his mind, "Red." He whispered, too quiet for either men to hear, but Yuta not knowing that, he started panicking.

His breathing quickened and didn't know what to do, his first thought was that they were purposely ignoring him, wanting to continue to go further themselves.

He started squirming away from their touch and this alarmed them, "Yuta?" Taeil called out and went to caress his cheek but his hand was instantly slapped away.

"Red!" He screamed, wanting to get away as quick as possible, both Taeil and Taeyong felt their hearts drop at the sudden scream of terror from their boyfriend and quickly pulled away, giving him enough space to collect himself.

Yuta eventually slipped all the way, still crying, he looked up and stared at his boyfriends who looked back at him, confusion and worry written on their face, but anyone could see they were more worried than anything.

"Yo-yongie and Taeillie.. bad.." He whispered as he buried his head into his arms after pulling the covers up to cover his body.

That's when it hit them, they had never discussed about what to do if he did slip during sex, because none of them expected it to happen, especially Yuta.

The boy on the bed took deep breaths as tears rolled down his face, he mumbled words to himself through the covers telling himself he's safe and no one is going to hurt him, though, it almost sounded like he never believed himself.

Taeyong wanted to embrace Yuta into a hug and reassure him himself that he'll be fine, but he knows that'll just out Yuta into more state of panic.

The two men sighed, worried for their boyfriend and quickly put their clothes on, so when the other does look up, he knows they will not continue further.

Eventually, the little got a hold of himself and slowly lifted his head up, eyes completely red from crying, "Yuyu... yuyu is sorry.." He whispered as he wiped a few more tears that were straying away.

Taeyong's eyes widened and quickly shook his head, "You have nothing to apologise for, baby." He told the little who was still letting out shaky breaths.

"We're so proud of you for using your safe word, never apologise for using it, okay?" Taeil said, making the little nod.

"Can we hug you, baby?" Taeyong asked carefully, not wanting to startle Yuta into thinking he had to let them hug him.

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