Doyoung - Surprise

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Genre: Fluff
Description: Yuta throws a surprise birthday party for Doyoung.

Doyoung's birthday was approaching and Yuta wanted to do something special for him, the Korean male always made sure to take care of Yuta no matter what and he wanted to do something in return as a thank you and it just so happened his birthday was in a few days.

Yuta spoke to the others about helping him with the surprise as he needed them to distract the other while he set it all up because the last thing he'd want was the surprise to be ruined because he hadn't planned it out properly.

"Baby!" Doyoung called out for what seemed like the hundredth time, Yuta quickly snapped out his train of thoughts, "Huh?" He questioned as he looked over to his boyfriend.

"Are you okay? You seem really out of it, is there anything you want to talk about?" Doyoung asked making the Japanese male quickly shake his head, "I'm okay! I'm okay, what were you saying?" He asked.

"Well since my birthday is coming up, do you want ro do something for it? Go out to the café I know you like? Or we could do something else." The younger suggested, Yuta furrowed his eyebrows and moved closer to the younger, sitting on his lap and wrapping his arms around his neck, while the other wrapped his arms around the Japanese males neck.

"Your birthday is about you we should go somewhere you like." The elder spoke with a smile and pecked his cheek, completely hiding his nerves now that Doyoung mentioned going out somewhere.

Maybe he'd have to think of something else because the last thing he'd want is to let his boyfriend down especially on his birthday.

Doyoung smiled softly at what the other on his lap had said and nodded bringing him into a hug and laid down in the bed with Yuta lying on top of him and the two just cuddled, Doyoung falling asleep with the elder in his arms while Yuta was planning what he could do so what he wanted to do for Doyoung's birthday and what Doyoung wanted to do could both be done.

He shook his head and decided to think about it better when he woke up so he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.


When he woke up a few hours later, he noticed Doyoung wasn't in bed with him so he stood up and went to find his boyfriend.

He noticed the younger in the kitchen and smiled to himself and wrapped his arms around the younger and rested his head against his back.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked earning a hum from the Japanese male.

He kept thinking about how to please Doyoung and that's when it hit him, he gasped out loud making the other quickly turn around.

"Are you okay? Have you hurt yourself? How did you hurt yourself?" The Korean asked as he checked over Yuta for any sort of injury.

"I haven't hurt myself! I'm okay, I'll be right back!" Yuta spoke with excitement lacing in his voice and he skipped to their shared bedroom and grabbed his phone and made a group chat with his friends with Doyoung in.

He sent a text asking if Yuta gave them a plan of what he wanted for the surprise party if they could do it for him while he took Doyoung out to do what he'd like to and luckily they all agreed making the Japanese smile widely.


The day finally came around, meaning it was Doyoung's birthday and Yuta couldn't be more excited, he had the others gift all ready and the others said they will be around around 1pm.

He and Doyoung had planned to go on a walk through Doyoung's favourite park then go to his favourite café so it gave the others enough time to set everything up.

Yuta got dressed and saw his boyfriend already dressed and ready, "Doie! Happy birthday!" Yuta spoke with a smile, walking up to the other and pressed a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you, baby." He responded with a smile, "You ready to go?" He asked and Yuta nodded, taking the others hand and sent a text to the others that it was safe to go round any time now.

The two got to the park and walked round, enjoying the warm sun on them and the blossom trees that surrounded them.

"Is there anything you want to do later?" Doyoung asked making Yuta quickly shake his head, "Nope, today is about you and only you." He responded, "But-" He was cut off, "Nope! I stand by what I said." Yuta spoke with a smile on his face as he looked up at the younger.

The younger also smiled and nodded and the two spent the rest of the hour walking around the park and talking to each other about whatever.

The two ended up in the café and as promised Yuta paid making the other way too happy.

The couple sat down where they usually sit when they come to this café and just enjoyed each other's company.

After about half an hour Yuta got a text off Jungwoo saying everything was done making him smile widely.

They both had finished their drinks so Yuta quickly stood up, pulling the other with him and dragged him out the café.

"Yu? Where are we going?" Doyoung asked quite confused on the sudden reaction of the other.

"Just wait and see!" Yuta spoke turning around to face the other with a wide smile.

They got to their apartment and Yuta quickly went behind the younger and covered his eyes after he unlocked the door and guided him inside their home.

As soon as he let the younger see what all the fuss was about he was greeted with a loud "Happy Birthday!" from everyone around him.

Doyoung gasped and turned to Yuta who just had a huge smile on his face and he looked over to the table that had a stack of gifts on there.

Doyoung was beyond happy and pulled the other into a hug and thanked him over and over again.

The group of 9 hung out for the rest of Doyoung's birthday, drinking alcohol, eating all the food and watching the Korean open his gifts which needless to say, he adored them all.

The others were knocked out cold from drinking so much so Doyoung took this as a chance to turn to Yuta and pull him into his lap making the elder giggle.

"Happy Birthday, Doie." Yuta whispered, leaving a small kiss on the others neck.

"Thank you, baby, I love you." Doyoung whispered, pushing some of Yuta's hair back behind his ear, "I love you too."

Word Count: 1135

i just listened to Blue by Taeyong and i can't even express into words how much i love him and how proud of him i am, when i finally started stanning nct, i was so close to ulting taeyong, he still remains one of my biases in nct and he's someone i look up to and he's such a safe place for me, i just adore him so much <3

Requested By: @roshuwu

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