Hunter Turned Gatherer

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           "Rufus?" Kitty asked softly.

            The rather large in comparison, ginger man was curled up naked on her front porch. He appeared to be fast asleep and a branch from an apple tree sat beside him.

            This wasn't the first time, but she still wasn't exactly sure what the protocol was. She scampered back inside and returned shortly with a blanket. She draped it over him and lightly nudged him with her hand. When he stirred, she jumped back, nearly tripping over the tree branch.

            When his eyes peeled out from between his lids, they shot the whole way open. He quickly scrambled into a sitting position and attentively tucked the blanket to cover sensitive areas.

            "Good morning," Kitty greeted gently.

            "Hi, Kit," he murmured sheepishly, "Sorry. I uh...apparently, I escaped again."

            She laughed. "It's really no big deal. After all, it looks like you brought me a gift." She gestured to the tree branch bearing apples.

            "It looks like I did," he agreed, "I hunted down the finest apples for you." He flashed her a goofy smile.

            Rufus was a werewolf. Most days, he was safely locked in his and his boyfriend Trenton's basement until the transformation was over, but some days, especially recently, he'd managed to escape. How? Trenton and Rufus weren't sure.

            In his wolf-ish form, there was practically a different entity, that they called Wiscal, occupying the vessel. However, Wiscal seemed to possess all of Rufus' memories and knowledge. Thus, whenever Wiscal would get too far from home, he'd go to Kitty's house who Rufus used to work with and had often come over to dinner for. From that experience, Rufus, and by extension, Wiscal, knew Kitty was vegetarian. Whenever Wiscal came to crash on the safety of her porch, he always hunted her down gifts of fruits and veggies that she'd find in the morning, accompanied by a naked Rufus.

            "Can I borrow yer phone by chance, lass?" Rufus asked.

            "I already called Trenton," Kitty assured him.

            "Ah." He nodded. "Thank you."

            "You can come in while you wait if you want," Kitty suggested, "I could make cinnamon apples with the bounty you brought back."

            He chuckled. "I'll just wait out here until Trenton arrives, but thank ye, Kit. I really appreciate yer understanding and all ye already do. It means a lot. I promise we'll fix our basement."

            "Of course, Rufus. Anytime your supernatural alter ego wants to crash on my porch, he can. I might end up installing a doggy door." she teased.

            "Don't encourage him." Rufus huffed before turning to an expression of bewilderment. "Oh god, what if I woke up naked on yer bed."

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