Specimen 56

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TW: animal? abuse
Note: My super older writing (probably my first short story)/vaguely proof-read.

   “Dr. Brooks! Dr.Brooks! Alison Harper Brooks!” the man snapped the woman back to reality.

  “Sorry. Yes, Dr. Pruett?” The woman averted her eyes from their newest creature.

  “I see you’ve met Specimen 56." He nodded proudly to the screeching beast.

  “Is all of that necessary?” she asked, looking back at the creature. 

  The creature would have looked like a tall, lanky human if its skin wasn’t pure black. It seemed to be suffering from intense pain. It had a bright, red collar around its neck, which she assumed was a shock collar posing as a cutesy pet collar. The shock collar obviously wasn’t enough because it was decked in metal chains: four on its neck, two on each limb, and two around its waist. Its surroundings were also metal. The creature was in a metal cage, and the cage itself was surrounded by metal walls and reinforced glass, yet even the windows were way above the cage, forcing you to look down on the creature to see it. The only entrance near the creature was a metal door that led to a short hallway, leading to a metal door, leading to a slightly longer hallway with protective gear, leading to another metal door, leading to a small room, leading to the last metal door. There were guards mounted near each observational window and by each metal door.

  “That’s a purebred killer. It has already managed to kill three guards, and it ate them. Some are even accusing it of killing off a whole village in Argentina where it was found.”

   “Oh my god!” she exclaimed, “Why the hell did they bring it here?”

   “To study it of course. Perhaps we can turn it into a weapon.” he commented.

   “A weapon? Of what purpose?” She glared at the insane man.

   “Of War,” he smirked, “Maybe there’s more of them out there, then we can make an army.”

   “That’s horrible. This whole thing is making me sick.” she shook her head.

   “Hey, you didn’t have to take the job,” he reminded her.

   “I didn’t think we’d be torturing innocent creatures into slavery. I thought we’d be helping them, or trying to better understand them.” She gently placed her hand to the window as another piercing screech erupted through the thick glass.

   “You can always quit,” he stated emotionlessly, “But for now, they want you downstairs.” He abruptly left her to stand alone by the window, or she would’ve been alone if it wasn’t for the stone-like guard stationed by the window. 

   “Good morning,” she greeted the unwavering guard before going in the opposite direction Dr. Pruett had gone.

  “They want you to run some basic health exams on him,” a scientist in a swivel chair told her, “They’ll set you up in the loading dock.” The loading dock was what the scientist called the hallway with the protective gear.

  “Hasn’t he killed like-” she began to comment.

  “Four guards and a whole village? Yeah.” the scientist opened the first door for her.

  “I thought it was three guards,” she muttered.

   “One more while they were putting him under anesthesia. It ripped the poor guys head right off.” the scientist sighed, “Don’t worry. It’s under anesthetic right now.” She turned back to look at him as she anxiously walked through the door. It began to close as soon as both feet left the doorway.

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