Werewolf Grooming 101

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*Side question: should I make a separate story set for werewolf stories only? Is there anybody here who only likes werewolf stories, but they tolerate the other monster stories?*

            Rosemary struggled with the trimmers. His hair was thick and coarse. The struggles of being a werewolf. Even in a human state, Rufus' hair grew everywhere like a wildfire. Right now, Rosemary was struggling to mow down his back hair.

            "Jesus fucking christ, hairball," Rosemary hissed, clearing out a chunk of hair jammed in the trimmers.

            "I'm sorrrrry~" Rufus whined.

            "I'm not blaming you. You're just a mess." she said, sawing through more hair, "Luckily, I'm almost done."

            "Thank ye, Rosie," he cooed.

            "Yea yea," she huffed, finishing up the last strip of hair. 

            "Am I good?" he asked.

            "You're good." She patted his back. "Try to scoop up your hair to throw outside. I'll get the rest with the broom."

            Rufus nodded and started to scoop up the cat-sized pile of hair. Rosemary scavenged up the rest with a broom.

            "Go shower, and try not to clog up my drain,” she ordered.

       He grinned lazily. “Yes ma’am.”

    When he was done, he put his clothes back on and crawled back out. Rosemary was laying on her bed, watching TV.

    “Do you want anything to eat before you go back home?” Rosemary asked.

    “I don’t want t'go home yet,” Rufus said, crawling into Rosemary’s bed.

    She frowned. “Is everything okay between you and Trenton?”

    “We’re fine, but he’s on a business trip,” he explained, laying down beside her and resting his head on her middle.

    Their relationship was purely platonic. They both had boyfriends. Rosemary just helped him with things like shaving back hair, and Rosemary had always wanted a dog despite being allergic.

    “You can stay with Atticus and me until he gets back,” she offered, curling her fingers in the hair on his head.

“Are ye sure Atticus wouldn’t mind?” Rufus questioned.

“Atticus! Can Rufus stay with us until Trenton gets back from a business trip?” Rosemary asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Atticus called from another room.

“See?” Rosemary pressed, ruffling up his hair a little, “After all, you guys let me stay at your house whenever Atticus is out.”

“Hmpth" was his only protest.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" she cooed.

    "No," he murmured.

    "Just clingy?" she asked.


    All of the sudden, he violently flipped her over, so she was on top of him. She yelped a little and tried to push him away. He squeezed her tight to keep her from getting away.

    "Goddamn it, furball," she complained, eventually giving in to being his teddy bear.

    "Love ye too, human," he purred.

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