What's an Interview?

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    "JESUS FUCK!" Oscar screamed. 

    "Good morning, humans," the alien greeted. 

    Oscar smacked Sara awake, but she was already stirring. They were laying in bed as the alien stood at the foot of their bed.

    "Xavier is here," the man groggily told the woman. 

    She groaned. "You can't come in between 8pm and 8am!"

    "Apologies, but I don't know what an interview is," Xavier explained. 

    "So?" she huffed, crawling out of bed.

    She walked out of the room. Xavier followed, so Oscar could go back to sleep. 

    "I have an interview today for a job," he explained. 

    "What job?" she inquired. 

    "Mechanical Engineer at NASA," he said nonchalantly. 

    "WHAT?" She gaped. "Aren't you kinda underqualified for that?"

    He scoffed. "I used to work with technology that's millenniums more advanced than yours. I built my own transportation to explore Earth. I believe I can figure out your 'computers' and 'rocketships'."

    "But you don't know what an interview is?" she challenged. 

    He frowned. "I'm starting to like you less, human." 

    "Oh shut up, alien. You love me." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so you just answer whatever question you're asked and you explain why you're qualified for the job."

    His eyes widened. "I can't tell anybody about my qualifications."

    "Then why did you apply for the job?" she questioned, dumbfounded.

    "To earn legal currency," he explained, "I wasn't under the impression I'd have to tell anybody about my qualifications."

    She rolled her eyes. "How do you think they hire people?"

    He shrugged. "You apply for a job, and they give it to you."

    "What if someone who wasn't qualified applied for the job?" she challenged. 

    His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why would they do that?"

    "You're simultaneously the smartest guy I know, and a fucking idiot." She shook her head and headed back to her bedroom. "You can either cancel the appointment, tell the guy you're an alien, or lie. I'm going back to bed. Good luck, dumbass."

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