Only His Partner Could Pull This Shit

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TW: light mentions of murder
Note: This isn't the vibe I wanted, so there might be another story coming out with this same concept. Sorry for the redundancies lmao. Also, peep the Hannibal Lecter and Human Centipede references.

They wheeled him in while strapped onto a hand-truck dollie. His lower face was muzzled, but he could still talk. However, he did not speak.

"This feels a little too intense, no?" Jasmine gestured to the bound creature.

"This might not be enough." John scoffed.

"Yeah, but the muzzle? It seems a little inhumane, don't you think? It's not like he's going to bite anyone." Jasmine pressed.

"He ripped out a guard's jugular with his teeth," John deadpanned, "He bites."

"Well...probably because he's scared! Look at that poor thing!" Jasmine cooed.

"That guard had a family."

Jasmine was silent.

"I need to grab the transfer paperwork. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." John warned before stepping back outside the room.

Her immediate thoughts were the stupid he warned her about.

She slowly waddled over to the lanky, white creature. It had several, long arms bound to the dollie.

"Hi, buddy," she soothed.

His expression was both curious yet alarmed, but he chose not to say anything.

"I'm going to undo your restraints, alright? I'd be nice if you didn't attack me." she murmured.

And then, she did. One by one, she unbuckled the straps binding him. When he was free, he immediately dropped to the floor and scrambled under the interrogation table like a fleshy centipede.

"Aww. It's okay." she cooed.

She crouched down next to the table, but when he did not yield and her legs grew tired, she plopped down.

"You're an interesting thing," she commented.

Meanwhile, he kept his eyes on her as he attempted to pry the muzzle off of his face with three of his eight legs.

"I'm sorry, buddy. I don't have the key to unlock that. And no offense, but seeing as your teeth seem to be your main weapon, I'd prefer if we kept it on anyway." She laughed softly.

"He hit me," the creature growled lowly.


"He would hit me when I didn't want to leave my corner, so I bit him. I didn't mean to kill him. It was just the closest spot not covered in cloth." he whimpered.

"Oh..." She frowned. "I'm so sorry."

He didn't say anything after that, just kept his eyes on her and occasionally glanced around warily.

She reached out her hand to him. "You don't have to hide under the table. I promise I won't hurt you."

"How do I know I can trust you?" he asked.

"I freed you, didn't I? Even after I heard about your incident with that guard." she reminded him.

"What was your motive for freeing me?" he challenged.

"You looked scared and helpless. Plus, I figured my colleague would be more lenient if he saw that you weren't a threat." she explained.

"How did you know I wasn't a threat?" he questioned.

"I didn't. I just took a leap of faith." She looked at him thoughtfully.

He begrudgingly waddled out from underneath the table and crawled into her lap. This was not what she had in mind at all, but she remained still as he did so. Half of his body curled into her lap as the other half draped out of it. His head rested on her thigh.

"Comfy?" she asked.

He remained silent, but his head sunk further into her leg.

The door opened soon after to a very disgruntled John. "What the hell, Jasmine?" he hissed.

"He bit the guard because he was abusing him. He wasn't even trying to make his bite lethal. It was just the closest spot of non-clothed flesh!" Jasmine quickly rambled.

"Oh my god," John groaned.

"But see? He's harmless. In fact, he's very sweet. He doesn't deserve to be transferred to a maximum security!" she pressed.

He sighed. He knew damn well that as soon as he left that room, she'd find a way to befriend that monster. She always did. That's why he took a donut break after he passed by the door and heard her cooing to him to trust her. One incident, even lethal, hardly proved this creature was a menace to society, and if anyone could prove that, it was his colleague, Jasmine.

Monster One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin