The Naga's Rabbit

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TW: mentions of abuse
Note: my older writing/only somewhat proof-read

     The naga looked over the sleeping human. His forked-tongue flicked in and out of his mouth to take in her blissful scent: watermelon gum and shea butter body wash.

    She didn’t really like to spend the night in his cave, but she had wanted to spend the night with him. Her body looked uncomfortably shifted and she was shaking from the cold. He couldn’t let his guest suffer. He knew she didn’t like to be all coiled up, but she needed it. 

    She was damaged. When her father was angry, he liked to hit her. Her mother just liked to hit her. She had grown up whoring for her parents, and those guys weren’t much gentler with her. Now, she was growing from her past, but she still didn’t like being in the same room with anybody if there were no immediate exits. She was damaged. But as a naga, he loved broken objects that others threw away carelessly.

    He leered over her, allowing his snake-like tail to curl up beside him. He’d have to do it right, or she’d panic. 

    “Goodmorning, rabbit,” he cooed into her ear. She stirred slightly, cracking her eyes a centimeter before closing them again. He cautiously placed a hand on the tops of her feet. Her eyes shot open but shut once she realised who it was. He gently began to rub at her feet and legs, raising them more and more above the ground. His tail slipped around her legs as he raised them. 

    “Ohhh rabbit~" He grinned. 

    Her eyes opened in slits before closing again, only to shoot back open to verify what she saw. 

    “Sai!” She instantly sat up and attempted to push off his heavy tail. 

    “Silly rabbit." He placed a hand on either side of her until his body was parallel with hers. In one smooth effort, he wrapped his arms around her and flipped her over. She splatted on top of him and instantly pushed herself back up. 

    “Sai, get off of me!” she snapped. A pair of arms pulled her back in. 

    “You need to rest, rabbit,” he urged.  She pushed herself up again.         

    “Let go of me, jerk,” she slapped his tail. 

    “I will in the morning."

    “I literally hate you." She flopped against his chest and buried her face into it. He affectionately rubbed her back. 

    “Are you comfy?” he asked. 

    “...yeah,” she reluctantly admitted, wiggling a little, so he would loosen up. He obediently obliged, letting her breathe some more. 

    He smiled. “Imagine pleasant thoughts".

    “Love ya, scaley ass,” she muttered. 

    “I love you too, Laura.”

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