Big, Beasty Boy

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"Hey beast!" Rhea called.

Solo whipped his head to the side to see Rhea.

"What are you doing here, beasty?" she asked, grabbing onto one of his horns.

He merely growled at her.

"Aww big, beasty boy," she cooed, running her other hand down his unchipped tusk. He had a wild underbite accented by his tusks.
He jerked away from her.

"Evil, man monster," she huffed, grabbing the tusk again.

Solo's friends kind of just sat wide eyed. They weren't sure if they should stand up for Solo, or let this ride. Normally, Solo wouldn't tolerate this kind of thing, especially not from humans.

"Why do you look so pissy, man-eating, demon baby?" she questioned, grabbing both a horn and a tusk.

She pulled him in close, so she could taunt him right in his face. "Nasty, mean creature."

His facade dropped, and deep, rumbly purrs bellowed from his throat. "Alright. Alright. This is my human." he informed his friend.

Rhea finally turned to noticed the circle of other Supernaturals, and her eyes went wide. She was surprised they hadn't all kicked her ass for teasing him. "Oh shit. You're with your group. I'm so sorry." She released Solo and took a step out of the circle.

"Nah, it's fine," he assured her, yanking her into him.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. "Do you guys mind if she's here? You can say whatever you want about humans around her. She won't care."

"I don't see a problem with it," one guy covered in reptilious scales said. He must had been the organizer of the group because everyone seemed to go with what he said.

Solo rested his head on top of Rhea's head as everyone went around the circle, sharing stories about their day. There were a lot of stories about various injustices committed by humans to each story teller. It made her feel guilty. She knew the Supernaturals had trouble integrating in human society, but she didn't realise they had this much trouble.

The circled finished two people before Solo, so she assumed he'd already gone before she arrived. After the formal going around and sharing stories ended, they broke off into regular conversation.

"Aren't your legs tired?" Rhea whispered up to Solo.

"That's just your inferior human legs," Solo teased.

She smacked his chest. "Jerk."

"So what's the story behind you two?" someone suddenly asked.

Everyone immediately looked at them in curiosity. Rhea found her tongue in her throat. She was used to Supernaturals, but she was still a little nervous around them.

"Well, I saw something about a Supernatural guy who needed a roommate on this apartment's website, so I ended up going for it. When I get to the apartment, this runt was there. She freaked out because here this big, evil creature was."

"I only freaked out because you broke into my apartment," she protested.

"I knocked first, said I had a key, and unlocked the door," he countered.

She turned flush red.

He sighed. "Look, she's not a bad human. She just had a bunch of bullshit flushed into her head about us since birth, but she's a good human now that she knows better." he assured them. "So anyway, after she calmed down, we talked to the landlord about it, and there was some mix up. We had nowhere to go unless we wanted to sleep on the streets, so we just stuck it through while we both tried to find a place to live. I guess we just got used to each other before we could find a new place. Now, she's my human."

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