Puppy Love

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    "Hey furball," Rosemary greeted as Rufus skidded up to her. 

    Rufus grinned. "Heya Rosie!"

    Trenton walked over to Atticus who was looking at the two curiously. 

    "Does their relationship ever bother you?" Trenton asked. 

     "No," Atticus said plainly. 

    "You're not jealous at all?" Trenton pressed.

    "No," Atticus repeated. 

    "Can you even experience jealousy?" Trenton challenged.

    "I can and I have, but I found the emotion is based on illogical discontent of one's own life, so I disregard it." Atticus explained. 

    "Some of us can't do that," Trenton huffed. 

    "It might be because you weren't synthesized in a laboratory." Atticus smirked.    

    Trenton looked surprised. 

    "I'm capable of joking," Atticus argued. 

    Trenton shrugged. "I won't lie. I figured you'd think it was illogical."

    "I do. But it shocks people, and that amuses me." Atticus smiled. "If you want the relationship Rufus and Rosemary have, then you're going to have to treat Rufus like Rosemary treats Rufus. But I don't think he'll enjoy it as much as he enjoys your current relationship."

    Trenton cocked a brow. "What do you mean?"

    "You and Rufus are in a relationship-"

    "Kinda," Trenton corrected.

    "Alright. You and Rufus are kinda in a relationship, while Rosemary and Rufus have the bond of a dog and its human best friend."


    "Rufus is a werewolf, so he inherently has wolf-like qualities. He's had to suppress those qualities to blend into human society, so most people address him as the human qualities he displays. However, Rosemary—perhaps because she's used to addressing me as my true self or perhaps because she acts bluntly—immediately treated him how she thought a werewolf would act. Since the wolf-like qualities of him separate him from being a human like her, she addresses those wolf-like qualities as characteristics of being a werewolf. In other words, she treats him like a wolf, so he uses her as his outlet to be the wolf he has had to suppress. If you wanted Rosemary's bond with Rufus, you'd have to scratch under his chin as he falls asleep on your lap." Atticus elaborated.

    "So she's not really replacing me. She just treats him like a dog, and he needs that. Right?" Trenton asked. 

    Atticus nodded. "Yes. I suppose that's a way to say it." 

    "Damn. She really put him to sleep already." Trenton murmured. 

    Rufus was already sprawled out over Rosemary's lap, snoring away. She was scratching his hairy chin as she played with his fluffy, red hair. 

    "She has long nails," Atticus admitted.

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