Goodest Boy

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**Repost; because I fucked up and deleted it. ;-; **

    The man slowly crept through the forestry, trying desperately not to make any loud noises. He didn't want to freak the estranged wolf out. After all, he had already gotten this close to him without him freaking out. 

    Ah, shit. Spoke too soon. He whipped his head around. A low growl bellowed out of his throat. 

    "It's okay, Rufus" he reassured him in a soft voice. 

    Rufus swiftly approached him from an angle. He was unknowingly being directed towards a tree. He staggered as he slammed against its trunk.

    Now he was trapped. He knew it. Rufus knew it. The bird chirping anxiously from above knew it. 

    God, how he hated full moons. 

    Rufus snarled at him as he lowered himself to the ground. 

    "It's okay, Rufus," he repeated, plopping down onto the forest floor, "I'm not gonna hurt you. You know that. I'm not a threat." 

    Rufus licked his chops.

    "Okay, I'm not food either." He tucked his legs into his body. "Hey! Rufus, come on now. It's me, Trenton." 

    Rufus whimpered. 

    "Yeah, I know you know my name," he hissed it out again, "Trenton." 

    Rufus whined again. 

    "I know, baby. You're confused." Trenton frowned empathetically. 

    There was a conflict in him between the wolf and the man. The wolf didn't know Trenton and was too hungry to care about meeting him, but the man knew and loved him greatly. The man would win over the wolf, for it was truly his body. But currently the wolf was in possession of the body and was confused by the inner, invisible man stopping him from eating Trenton. 

    "I love you very much, Rufus." Trenton cautiously extended his legs. "Come lay down and take a nap." He patted his lap.

    The wolf whimpered a little bit but still trotted towards Trenton, draping himself over Trenton's lap. 

    "Good boy." Trenton softly stroked the coarse, wiry fur on top of his head. "Get some sleep." 

    The wolf seemed to comply, and his breathing and heartbeat turned rather shallow. 

    Trenton woke up to a naked man on his lap. He examined him. Rufus had a few bumps, scratches, and bites that Trenton would have to clean up. Trenton would've made Rufus do it himself if he would actually do it. Rufus didn't seem to care about his well-being, so Trenton would have to spend a massive amount of fuss to get him cleaned up. 

    Trenton gave him a light nudge to wake him up. Rufus shot awake. His hands instantly covered his junk. 

    "I've seen it all before," Trenton reminded him.

    Rufus smacked Trenton's chest, feeling a tad flustered and embarrassed.

    Trenton smirked. "Come on. We need to get you cleaned up." 

    "I'm fine," Rufus protested. He rose to his feet. Trenton rose too. 

    Trenton grabbed Rufus' arm. "You can either do this willingly, or I can force you down and drown you in soap and hydrogen peroxide." 

    "I just dun' like causing all o' this trouble." Rufus sighed, sliding Trenton's hand down to hold in his own. They started their walk through the woods. 

    "You only cause trouble when you purposely neglect to remind me that there's a full moon, AND you run off into the woods," Trenton snapped. 

    "I didn't want ye t'have t'deal wit' me again," Rufus argued. 

    "I need to keep track of you, so you don't eat our neighbor's cat again. Besides, what if you wandered off too far and got lost? I don't ever want you alone in these woods when you turn back." 

    "The cat is a sensitive topic, ya know. And I wouldn't get lost." Rufus huffed, "Nor do I want ye in these woods either! It's my curse; it's my problem." 

    "Too bad. If you wander into the woods as a grumpy hairball once a month, then I'm wandering in with him." Trenton persisted.

    Rufus frowned. "I'd prefer if ye didn't. In fact, I'd be much happier if ye cared for me less." 

    "I love you, and I'll always take care of you...whether you like it or not." Trenton informed him defiantly, "Now this time be a good boy, and don't jump out of the bath and tread water all throughout our house." 

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