We're Going to Hell Anyways

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TW: mentions of child abuse/neglect

A pale man with a black fauxhawk and a suit was sitting on her countertop. He grinned when he saw her. "Hey kiddo."

"Hey Driss. Have you finally come to take my soul and drag me down to Hell?" the young woman who owned the apartment asked.

"Not today, mortal," Driss reassured her, "Unless you want to move down there." He fluctuated his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna pass for now."

"Awwwww. Come on. I'm sure Lucy would make an exception for little Pepper and let you live down there while you're still breathing." he assured her.

"Speak of the devil, how is Lucifer?" Pepper questioned.

He scoffed. "Wow. She doesn't talk to me anymore, she doesn't even try to visit Hell anymore, and when I finally get to see her, she asks how fucking Lucifer is. It's not like I didn't save the runt off the streets and literally raise her. But you know, it's fine." He pouted. "Oh, and Lucy is great."

When she was a baby, she was dropped off at a 7-Eleven in a cardboard box. She was stuck in the foster system for four years until she found her "forever home". The mother was gone on business trips a lot, and the father liked to drink. She ran away at six after two years of verbal and physical abuse.

The six year old had tried to summon the devil, so she could sell her soul to get a "nice family". A homeless drug-addict had suggested it.

Satan sends his demons to do his bidding, and Driss so happened to answer the request. He was astonished to see the three and a half foot tall gremlin asking for a family. For once in his life, he felt serious sympathy. There was no way in Hell that he was going to take a little kid's soul, so he did the most reckless thing he could and took the kid back to his home in Hell.

He eventually got an apartment, so the kid could live in the human world. Though, they still went back in forth from living in the living world and living in Hell. Normally, school nights were spent in the living world, and non-school nights were spent in Hell.

She rolled her eyes, "How are you, Driss?"

"I'm actually wonderful. The normal rounds and all: reaping souls, torturing sinners, etcetera. Though, I kinda wish the runt I saved would talk to me more." Driss huffed, crossing his arms.

"I've called you a bunch of times, but you never pick up," she defended herself.

"Are you talking about the phone? I never use that thing. I don't even know where it's at." he dismissed, "Just summon me."

"I'm pretty sure my landlord wouldn't be very happy if I burnt a pentagram into the carpet," she groaned.

"You can also use sacrificial blood," he suggested.


"Just do it in the bathtub or on the countertop." He patted the countertop.

"I-" She didn't know how to argue with a crazy man. "Just use your phone or visit more."

"Fine, but I'm going to start randomly beckoning you to Hell," he huffed.

"I have work. You can't just poof me into Hell whenever you want." she said exasperatedly.

"I'll just steal you away on Sundays." He shrugged. "It's a sin to work on Sunday."

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to Hell anyway." She looked at him pointedly. "But I don't have work on the weekends, so you can beckon me then."

"Good." He took her hands in his. "Now how's my sweetheart been?"

"I've been alright. I won't lie. I've kind of been homesick." she reluctantly admitted.

He grinned devilishly. "Then we're going to Hell now."

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