Werewolf Babies, Man

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*Warning: Light descriptions of gore.*

    It took Olcod a while to figure out why someone came all the way out to his house in the middle of nowhere to drop off a baby. They could've dropped that kid off at any house or even a police station or church, but they drove all the way to his house. He knew it wasn't his kid, for her skin was pale as snow and he was as dark as night. Yet they gave him the baby. 

    He finally realised why his little girl had been dropped in the middle of nowhere when she tried to eat him. They were trying to keep her from the general population, and he was the sacrificial lamb. Really he probably should've been suspecting things when her adult teeth came out just a little too sharp and her nails kept growing pointy, but he ignored it because she was still beautiful and perfect in his eyes. He couldn't really dismiss it anymore when she hit puberty and suddenly his pride and joy was growing hairy and snarly.

    He so desperately tried to fend off the creature while trying not to harm who he knew was still his baby girl. Admittedly, he did have to kick his princess down the basement stairs. She recovered quickly though and was already bounding back up the stairs to get him. He slammed the door, locked it, and continued to excessively barricade it. Afterwards, he dropped to the floor and sat dazed. He still had the scar on his forearm from that night.

    It took a lot of trials and errors to figure out why the transformation happened. As crazy as it was, they came to the conclusion that she was a werewolf. On full moons they set up the basement with a mattress, plenty of blankets, and a piece of something meaty. He'd sit and talk with her through the basement door until he could tell it was happening again. She'd of course be preoccupied with the slab of meat and taking a meat nap, but he'd sit awake at the door all night.

    "Olcod?" she squeaked out from inside the chicken coop.

    Last night, they forgot what moon it was, and by then it was too late to get her to the basement. If it wasn't for the chickens distracting her, Olcod might not have gotten out either. He'd had to lock her in the chicken coop, and she had ripped apart every single one of the chickens and even stretched some of the chicken wire.

    Olcod was quick to unlock the coop. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

    "I-I'm so sorry," she whimpered, overlooking the bloodied mess of chicken.

    "It's okay, Lorelai. It's no big deal. Go get cleaned up, pumpkin, and I'll take care of everything else." Olcod reassured her.

    A haunted look filled Lorelai's eyes as she stayed fixated on the chickens. Her clothes had been pretty much torn to bits and she was covered in a muddied paste of blood and dirt. Even if she hadn't done it herself, this still would've been a pretty gory sight for a pre-teen.

    Olcod stepped in front of her view. "Come on, princess. Get inside. You're gonna freeze."

    A tear fell down Lorelai's face and her lip trembled.

    "It's okay. Come here, baby girl." Olcod soothed.

    He tried to wrap her in a hug, but she shook her head and stumbled backwards. She sniffled before running into the house. Olcod sighed. At least she was in the warm house. He looked over the massacre. He figured he could try and gather up the remains and grind them down into feed for the dogs, or maybe he could preserve them until next full moon. Other than replacing them, the chicken part wouldn't be too hard. He wasn't exactly sure how to get blood out of dirt though.

    When Lorelai came out of the shower, he had a mug of hot cocoa and a warm fire waiting for her. She silently slipped in front of the fire and picked up the mug waiting for her. Olcod slipped up next to her and wrapped his arm around her back.

    "I'm sorry," Lorelai murmured again.

    "It's not a big deal, and it wasn't even your fault. I should've paid better attention to the moons." Olcod informed her softly.

    "So should have I! It's my curse; It's my responsibility." Lorelai pressed.

    "My little girl is not cursed. She's perfect." Olcod huffed, "And as long as I love you, you are also my responsibility. So I'll unfortunately have to be responsible my whole life."

    Lorelai leaned into him. "I love you too, dork."

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