The Labyrinth Guard

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         "I told you never to come back," the lanky, black creature snarled.

         Rosemary snorted. "Oh whatever, Atticus. You missed me."

         "You are an annoyance, and I should kill you," Atticus hissed. 

         She grinned. "You can't kill me unless I answer your riddle wrong, and I haven't given you an answer yet."

         "Tsk. You think that'll stop me from killing you." Atticus huffed. 

         "I don't. I think the fact that you're lonely and love my company will stop you from killing me." Rosemary smirked. 

         Atticus merely growled at her. 

         "I know. I'm terrible." Rosemary plopped down in front of him. 

         He reluctantly sat down too. She scooted over so that they were side by side. 

         "I brought you another book." She fished the novel out of her purse and handed it to him. 

         "Do you think this will convince me to let you through?" he challenged. 

         "No. I just figured you'd like something to do in your spare time." She shrugged. "I can take it back if-"

         "It's mine now," he snapped. 

         "Just checking." She hopped up. "Well, I'll get out of your hair. I'm sure guarding an ancient labyrinth and all makes you super busy."

         He jerked her back down. She tumbled on top of his lap.

         He wrapped his arms around her. "You're mine now too." 

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