Satan's Sorrows

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**Warning: My older writing. (Based off of an Owlturd(Shen comix)'s comic that I can no longer find.)**

"Thank you for seeing us Father Antonio." Aan older woman shook the priest's hand.

"Of course, dear. I've dealt with many exorcisms. Your nephew is in good hands." Father Antonio nodded before walking into the dimly lit room and locking the door behind him. A young man was tied to each bed post, and the floor was littered with broken possessions.

He didn't move a muscle.

"Greetings Satan. I'm going to need you to leave this young man's vessel." Father Antonio revealed a silver cross from behind his back.

"We keep meeting," Satan murmured dully.

"The power of Christ compels you, Satan! Leave this vessel!" Father Antonio commanded.

"I'll leave. I'll leave. Just give me a minute." The young man sighed.

Father Antonio lowered his cross. "Is something troubling you?"

"I'm just tired of mortals. No offense, Father Antonio. If you weren't a worshipper of my brother, then you'd be great." Satan informed him.

"Thank you, Satan." Father Antonio chuckled lightly.

"The rest of the mortals are just frustrating. I've possessed seventeen different vessels before this one, and not one thought about me. Most of them took their family members to the doctor. I even started crawling on the walls for one, and guess what? They thought their loved one was possessed by a ghost. A ghost!? Blasphemy! I'm not a low-life ghost. I'm Satan for fuck's sake." the man snarled.

Father Antonio sat down on the side of the bed. "If it makes you feel any better, God is receiving less attention too. Church membership is decreasing, less people are coming to Sunday mass, and collection plates hardly ever get more than loose change."

Satan smirked. "I won't lie: knowing that it's not just me, does make me feel a lot better."

"I'm glad. Now, I must compel you to leave this vessel." Father Antonio rose from the bed.

"Fine." The man easily snapped the ropes and rose to his feet. "Thank you, Father." Satan hugged the priest. "Maybe next time I'll possess one of your fellow clergymen, so we can meet again."

"I'd prefer if you didn't." Father Antonio sighed, patting him on the back.

Satan laughed. "Good afternoon, Father."

The young man pushed away from him, "Do I know you? Where am I?"

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