On the Topic of Dragons

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    "Don't startle me like that!" Pret hissed.

    The dragon snorted from the window. Atticus was resting his head on the windowsill, so he could look inside the sole window of the stone tower. "Are you still getting ready for that boy?"

    "Lachlan?" she challenged.

    "I don't care to know his name," he dismissed.

    She sighed and made her way to the window. "Why can't you two get along?"

    His reptilious, yellow eyes narrowed. "Maybe it's because he's a dragon slayer, and he originally came here to kill you."

    "But he didn't," she pressed, "And he didn't kill you either despite you being the actual dragon here."

    "I'd like to see him try," he growled.

    A witch cursed the king's and queen's firstborn to become a dragon when she matured to the age of eighteen, so the king and queen sent the young princess to a tower far, far away from the kingdom where she couldn't hurt anyone. To take care of the princess, they recruited a dragon under the promise that he had immunity from any of the kingdom's knights. Though, the real perk was the hoarde. Dragons liked to hoard things, and having one's very own princess was a great accomplishment for a dragon.

    On the day the princess turned eighteen, nothing happened. Nothing happened the next day either. Or the next. Or the next. Or...they eventually stopped counting. She was well into her twenties now, and nothing still happened. They both assumed either the witch hadn't actually cast the spell, or the woman wasn't even a witch. Nonetheless, her superstitious parents insisted they had to be safe. They still sent knights to bring her food and whatever she needed/wanted weekly.

    "I don't." She popped his nose. "I'd prefer if my two boys got along."

    The dragon drew his head back and growled at her.

    She stuck her head out the window. "Oh whatever. I'm sorry I offended your honor. Come back here." 

    The dragon reluctantly ducked his head back in, pushing her back with his snout. After regaining herself, she rubbed the end of his snout.

    "Aye beast! What the hell are you doing to my girlfriend?" a man shouted from below.

    Pret tried to stick her head out the window but Atticus blocked her.

    "Seriously, Atticus?" Pret complained.

    "I don't like him or trust him," Atticus murmured.

    "Well you like me and trust me, right?" Pret pouted.

    Atticus snorted again. A warm gust of air blew out around her.

    "Okay, where the fuck is Pret?" the man snarled.

    Atticus whipped his head out from the window and snarled at Lachlan. "Calm your temper, birdie."

    Lachlan was a fae. They had bird-like wings and gazelle-like horns. Both qualities allowed for mockery.

    Lachlan unsheathed his sword. "That's it!"

    "BOYS!" Pret snapped from the window, "Can't you two just get along? For me?" 

    "Can ye tell scaley-ass-"

    "Please," Pret begged.

    Atticus swung his tail back and forth in frustration before slamming it down into the ground. "I apologise."

    "Fine. I guess I apologise too." Lachlan murmured, sheathing his sword.

    Pret beamed, "Thank you, boys~"

    She swiftly clambered through the windowsill and swung her legs out of the side. Atticus quickly moved his head right under her feet, so she could step onto him. She did and crouched down, so she could grab at a rounded spike sticking up. Atticus slowly lowered his head down to Lachlan. Pret stepped off and rubbed Atticus' snout before gliding into Lachlan's arm. Lachlan wrapped his wings around her and kissed her.

    "If the princess leaves my line of sight, I'm coming after you two," the dragon warned.

    Lachlan rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Yeah. I know the drill.”

    Pret technically wasn’t supposed to leave the tower, but it wasn’t like the king and queen were here to enforce it. Atticus let her leave whenever and go wherever she wanted. He just didn’t trust Lachlan.

    “We’ll just be across the field,” Pret assured him, pointing to the sole tree on the wide, open field.

    “See ye later, scaley ass,” Lachlan called, dragging Pret along with him.

    “See you later, birdie.”

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