Queen of the Ogres

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    "WHO DID IT?" Lida snarled.

    "Druip and Rean," Triee snitched.

    "Asshole," Druip growled, smacking Triee. 

    "DO NOT HIT HIM!" she snapped at the ogre. 

    They all stood twice her size. They were wicked, bloated creatures of a pale grey color. Their skin was hinted with green where bits of mold and moss started to grow. Their heads were hard, egg-shaped domes. They all had a nasty underbites where their tusks had grown over their upper lip.

    Druip's pointed ears flicked back and his mouth opened, wanting to protest.

    "You two..." Lida turned to both Druip and Rean, "Need to restore that farmer's sheep pin."

    "We were just getting food," Rean complained.

    "Stealing one or two sheep is one thing, but knocking over his fencing and letting all his sheep out is another!" Lida hissed.

    "Wahtar knocked it over!" Druip complained.

    "Asshole." Wahter was about to smack Druip, but a glare from Lida stopped him.

    "Who all was involved?" Lida groaned. 

    Four out of the five ogres begrudingly raised their hand. Eer was the only one who didn't.

    "He was there too!" Triee sneered at Eer.

    "But I didn't do anything wrong!" Eer protested.

    "All five of you are going to go fix his fence and find his sheep!" she ordered.

    "You only want us to help him because he's a human," Druip pouted.

    "I don't care if he's a human, goblin, or demon. It's the right thing to do. If the roles were reversed, you'd want someone to do it for you." Lida shook her head. "I'm ashamed."

    She began to walk out of camp.

    "Where are you going?" Rean whined.

    "To help that poor man out the best I can," Lida said. 

    Druip wrapped a big, meaty hand around her, lifting her close to his face. Lida knew better than to fight him. This happened way too often.

    "I'm sorry. I'm coming to help too." Druip informed her solemnly.

    The others nodded too. They all murmured their apologies. Druip finally put her down. 

    "I'm sorry for getting snappy," she admitted softly, "Wahter and I will restore the fence. Can the rest of you track down the sheep?"

    "Yes, queen," they all muttered.

    She, a human, was the queen of the ogres. She thought it was the weirdest thing, but they were all dead set on her being their leader. After being unable to decide amongst them who would be the king of their pack, they decided the human they planned to eat would be the best choice. They took care of her, and she kept them in order.

    "Good, ogres," she cooed, "I love you all very much."

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