The Great Outdoors

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    Rosemary walked over to the cage and slipped the food bowl through a slot in the cage. The lanky, black creature darted over and grabbed her hand.

    She gasped. "Let go of me, or I'll call security."

    He released her hand. "Apologies. I forget that humans are often startled by touch."

    "I wasn't startled," she hissed. 

    "I didn't mean it to insult you," he reassured her, "Fear is a completely normal emotion."

    Rosemary groaned before walking away. 

    "Wait! I have a question." he called. 

    She whipped around. "What?"

    "May I be let out?" he asked. 

    She scoffed. "Why the fuck do you think I'd let you out?"

    "Because I asked first," he replied plainly. 

    She rolled her eyes before heading out again. 


    "Why?" she challenged. 

    "Because I unlocked the door earlier this morning, and I was waiting to ask first," he explained. 

    She whipped around. "WHAT?"

    "Relax, human. If I wanted to escape or hurt anyone, I would've done it awhile ago." he assured her, "I don't mind cooperating with your organization, but today, I just want to go outside. So you can either take me outside for an hour or two, or I'll go out on my own by all means necessary and I won't come back."

    She crossed her arms. "If you actually managed to unlock the door, then open it." 

    He easily pushed it open. 

    "Oh well fuck." 

    He walked over to her and sat down. 

    "I'm going to get fired for this," she muttered. 

    "I can use you as a hostage if you'd like," he offered.

    "No!" she snapped, "Just come on and stay close to me. If you get shot, it's not my fault."

     It took an act of Congress, but she finally got them both outside without getting shot. 

    As soon as they got outside, he took off. 

    "Fuck," she groaned, darting back inside to get help. A hand rested on her shoulder before she could fully step inside, making her jump.

    "Apologies, human. I should've warned you. I'm just doing laps. I haven't been able to run in awhile." he said, stretching out his long limbs. 

    She stumbled back out with him. He stretched like a cat before taking off again. She stumbled into the center of the imaginary circle he was lapping. She watched him for a bit before lying down. Keeping up with a creature of death was stressful and tiring. Every moment, she waited for him to try to run off or kill her. Eventually, he skidded up to her. She shot up. 

    "Are you alright?" he questioned. 

    "Just tired and cold," she muttered. 

    He nodded before trotting behind her. His smooth, long arms crossed themselves in front of her as he pushed his chest against her backside. She flailed in panic, ducking out of his hold. 

    "What were you doing?" she hissed. 

    "I was trying to warm you while you rested against me," he elaborated. 

    She groaned, falling onto her back. He leaned over her. 

    "Is your collapsing voluntary, or do you need assistance?" he asked. 

    "You're weird," she huffed, "You're not evil; you're just weird." 

    "Why did you consider me evil, and why do you consider me weird now?" he questioned. 

    "I don't know. Because you look evil, but you're just weird. You're like a cat, but you're creepy." she grumbled. 

    "Interesting." He nodded in consideration, laying down beside her. He rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes. 

    "Are you sleeping now?" she huffed, sitting up.

    He didn't respond. 

    "Damn. Did you fall asleep already?" she asked. 

    No response. 

    She contemplated doing something incredibly stupid. She wanted to feel his skin. It felt incredibly smooth earlier when she was flailing, and she wanted to feel it again. She was gonna touch him, and if he woke up, she'd just say she bumped into him. Her hand tentatively crept towards him. He seemed relatively nice earlier. Maybe he wouldn't bite her hand off. 

    First, she barely touched him with her index finger. When he didn't stir, she put her hand on his back. He was incredibly soft. She gently rubbed her hand up and down his baby smooth back. When she stopped, he got up and sprawled out over her lap.

    Her eyes widened. "Were you awake?" 

    "I already know what you've done. Don't stop now, human." he purred.

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