A Demon's Love for an Angel

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"We can't keep seeing each other," she mumbled under her breath.

He planted a firm hand against the wall beside her head, "Why not?" he growled, furrowing his brow.

"I have important duties," she explained.

"I can always help you fulfill them, if you-"

"No! No. It's just- I really do like you- but if I'm seen with you, then I'll be sentenced to Hell, and they won't exactly be nice to me down there." She played with her thumbs.

"I understand." He nodded weakly, dropping his arm. "But if I may, can I show you one last thing?"

"I guess."

He gently grabbed one of her soft, petite hands in his large, rough hand and guided her to the rooftop. "Do you see that building over there? It's the one with the bright purple shed."

She glanced upwards and nodded.

"Go to it," he instructed. A vast pair of hellish, scaled wings tore through his shirt and stretched themselves out. He leapt from the building and began to fly to the other.

She hesitantly waited a second before deciding to follow. An elegant pair of angelic, feathered wings shot out from pre-cut holes in her top. She skipped off the building and followed after him.

"Every night that my brother and I would fight, I'd go up to the rooftop and watch the sunset. I watched the sunset every night on this rooftop." After his dad killed his mom when he was twelve, he moved in with his older brother who was only sixteen at the time. His brother was determined to give him the best life he could, but he didn't want that life. When he was fifteen, he got into a physical fight with his brother on the topic of him dropping out of highschool. He stabbed his brother and ran away to join the local gang. He stole, did drugs, inappropriately touched some girls, and killed a few people.

An angel disguised as an older man offered to help him get his life back together. But he didn't want to fix his life, so he stabbed and robbed the man. Unlike his brother, the man survived.

As punishment for his sins, he was condemned to live in eternity as a demon. It's commonly considered that demons are Satan's right hand men. While they do work for Satan, it's more or less slavery. All they do is do Satan's dirty work. Most of their life is full of grueling torture. They only get brief minutes of free time each day. He spends all of his free time seeing her.

"It's pretty," she acknowledged.

"It's beautiful," he corrected, taking a step closer to her, "Kitty, you're the only other thing I'd rather see."

"Stop making me fall in love with you over and over again," she murmured.
"You're so stubborn that I doubt I could make you do anything," he teased.

"Why is life so cruel?" She buried her face into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her. "What do you mean?"

"Wh- why did they make me an angel, if they were gonna make you a demon? she whimpered.

"Because you dedicated your whole life to helping the less fortunate, and I was a bad guy," he reminded her. She had given up her dream job that she had worked so hard for, so she could travel around the world and help the needy. When she died, she wanted to continue her work. Therefore, God made her an angel.

"But I still love y-"

He placed a finger up to her mouth, "If you ever need to find me, then this is the place you'll be able to find me at." He gave her one last kiss before flying out of sight.

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