Dracula's Bride's Boyfriend

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TW: Biting, minor blood, mentions of homicide
Note: I've noticed you guys really don't like vampire stories, but this is the last of my old archived ones, so sorry dbbdhdhdhd

   "I can't thank you enough for letting me see him," the young girl said graciously, "but I don't understand..." She gasped as two sharp points buried themselves into her shoulder, only to retreat a moment later. Soft lips pressed against the surrounding area of the wound, and a warm tongue lapped at the excreting blood. 

    "What do you not understand?" he questioned, removing his lips for a split second.

    "I just don't understand why you're letting me go see another man, since we're...ya know," she danced around the word, playing with her fingers as both a coping mechanism for the discomfort in her shoulder and discomfort that the word gave her. 

    He made sure no more blood oozed out of her shoulder before dabbing his mouth clean with a handkerchief. 

    "Married?" he suggested.

    "Yeah." She nodded weakly. A young lady was chosen by the community to wed him; he was knocking on eight hundred while she had just turned eighteen. It was more or less a sacrifice to keep the blood-seeking creature away from humanity. 

    From what she gathered in this first month of being with him, he was quite misunderstood. Stories she was told as a child consisted of him, the blood-thirsty vampire, murdering villagers, seducing women, and terrorizing families. She couldn't imagine the man who sits in one chair every night by the fireplace and gets overly invested in fictional characters could have ever done anything like that. 

    "Marriage doesn't hold as much sacredness to me as it might in your culture. Nowadays, it's just an outlet of company and sustenance for me." He grabbed the hair brush and began to brush her hair. "And when I too was younger, I had found love." 

    "What happened?" she asked. 

    "We lived happily together for a few years, but my community never liked that I was a vampire and that he liked a vampire."

    "'He'?" she questioned.

    "They didn't like that part either." He smirked. "So they tried to put a stake through our hearts. They missed our hearts though, but unfortunately, being stabbed still kills a human."

    "They...they killed him?"

    "Mhm." He nodded, putting down the hairbrush. 

    She grimaced. "That's awful, Cyrus. I'm so sorry."

    "Don't be, Sierra. It was 700 years ago, and I didn't lose my life. I merely caused him to lose his." Cyrus began to french braid her hair. 

    "No you did not!" Sierra whipped around, destroying all of his progress. "You did not kill that man. They did."

    "Well...he wouldn't have died if he hadn't have been with me," he argued. 

    "Perhaps, but it was his choice to be with you, and it was neither of your choices to fall in love with one another." She turned back around. 

    He opened his mouth to object but nothing came up. 

    "What was his name?" she inquired. 

    He went back to braiding her hair, "Maximilliano." 

    "I really like that name." She smiled. 

    "I loved it too," he murmured, "What's your secret boyfriend's name?"

    "What?" She instantly blushed. "He's not really my boyfriend. I've just kinda sorta been seeing him since I was seventeen. It's not like we've really done anything. He kinda kissed me before we got married, but it's not like he's my boyfriend." she rambled on nervously.

    "And his name?" he questioned. 

    "His name? Oh yeah, his name…it's Alexander." she informed him. 

    He smirked. "I take it you really like this Alexander."

    "I don't know. I guess a little. He's just really cute, and sweet, and smart, and compassionate. Okay, yeah." she admitted. 

    He threw the braid over her shoulder. "Go get your Max then, love."

    "Did he do that to you?" Alexander barked as he looked at the fresh wound on her shoulder. 

    She moved the braid over to cover it up. "Yes, but-"

    "I'm gonna kill him," he snarled. 

    "Hey, hey, no." She put a hand up to his chest. "It's just a tiny wound. He needs someone to feed off of, or he'll die."

    "Let him die," he growled. 

    "Earlier I told him that you were 'compassionate', and now you're just trying to prove me wrong," she huffed. 

    His jaw dropped. "What?"

    "He found out about us." She chuckled awkwardly. 

    "What did he say? Did he hurt you? How did you escape?" He looked her over anxiously. 

   "He actually did my hair since I was seeing you today." She dwindled with her braid stub.


    "He encouraged me to come see you. In fact, he completely understands and wants me to keep seeing you." she muttered shyly. 

    "Really? But you're married!" he argued. 

    "He doesn't really view marriage as anything more than companionship and blood. I think he's just lonely and needs a friend."

    He paused, processing the information before changing to a suave, relaxed physique. Maybe it wasn't great timing, but the line had set itself up. "Well, he can keep his friend. As long as you'll be...my girlfriend?" he queried. 

    She sprung at him in a hug. "Yes!"

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