Human Specimen Subdued Her Captor

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**Note: This is a sequel to "Subdue the Human Specimen," but you don't have to read "Subdue the Human Specimen to understand this story. :) This story is made for and dedicated to rblackwood1994.**

    “They want to run more lab work,” Atticus announced to Rosemary.
    “Do I have to?” Rosemary pouted.
    “Yes, but you don’t have to be willing,” Atticus offered.

    Rosemary smacked his chest. “You’re so funny, asshole.”

    Atticus seemed to be amused with himself. “I was aiming for that approach.” His grey-ish blue ears pointed up. “Anyways, you’re wanted at the lab. Should I tell them you wish not to come?”

    “No, no. I’m coming.” Rosemary groaned. “Being compliant is hard.”

    Atticus shrugged. “You wanted to be properly involved and informed when it came to all testing on you.”
    “I know what I wanted. Shut up, alien.” Rosemary snapped.
    She trudged off to the lab, dragging her feet and sighing. Atticus followed close in toe, keeping his shoulders square and his hands knitted tightly behind his back.

    Rosemary had been saved by a group of aliens after suffering severe injuries in a car crash. They hadn’t entirely done it out of the kindness of their three hearts though. Instead, they’d done it because she was a perfect specimen for both testing and recruitment. They’d spun some tale to subdue her into trusting them and started training her to work for them. When they wanted to run testing, they sedated her at night. Rosemary recently found out that the tale she was told was a lie and that her captors had been grooming her. It hurt the most when she found out the alien she had fallen in love with had actually been the main executor of her brainwashing and subduing. After confronting Atticus, he’d assured her changes would be made if she stayed. Against everything, he’d fallen in love with her too.
    Part of those changes involved properly informing her about missions she was recruited in. Allocating her higher levels of classification as she continued to work with them. Giving her a say when it came to performing missions. And telling her about testing before actually running tests on her.

    They were still pretty insistent on testing even if she wasn’t 100% consensual. She was the first, living human they’d ever been able to get their hands on. The fact she was a healthy, ordinary human just put the icing on the cake. There was no chance they would pass on the chance to test on her. Before, they just sedated her while she was sleeping and did everything then. Now, they at least gave her the option to come in while she was conscious and ask questions about the procedures.
    A similar looking man to Atticus nodded to him. “Administrator кɭคยŦ г๏שเรђкเภรค.” Then he nodded to Rosemary but said nothing.
    Rosemary wasn’t high enough ranking to be acknowledged by name, but Atticus was so high of a ranking that not acknowledging him by name was punishable. Atticus Bathory was his english name though; кɭคยŦ г๏שเรђкเภรค was his real name. If anybody—except for Rosemary—used his English name, they would also be punished.

“Permission to begin work on the human specimen?” the man asked Atticus.
    Atticus nodded.
    The man politely escorted Rosemary to a padded, operating chair. While his back was turned, Rosemary shot Atticus a glare. Atticus remained formally posed but flashed Rosemary a smirk. Rosemary had more rights, but she was still treated in ordinance of their ranking system. Rosemary wasn’t happy with being treated like Atticus’ charge. She was Atticus’ charge, but she didn’t like it.
    “What are we starting with today?” Rosemary asked the man.
    “Taking your temperature and blood pressure,” the man explained, “That’s all for today actually.”
    Rosemary nodded. The man put a smooth, white wand to her wrist and held it there for a bit. The wand slowly turned to a light blue color and turned dark blue when it was done.
    Rosemary grinned lazily. “Am I dying, doc?”
    “Unsure,” the man muttered, “We’re still researching humans. Your temperature and blood pressure has remained relatively the same, and you haven’t died yet, so I’m assuming you’re fine.”
    Rosemary fixed him with a look as she hopped out of the chair.
    “Ah. Were you doing that joking activity again?” the man asked.
    Rosemary sighed. “At least you’re catching on.”
    “Always a pleasure, Rosemary. You may leave.” the man dismissed.
    Rosemary skipped off. Atticus was once again in toe.
    “Where are you going now?” Atticus asked.
    “Lunch. I’m hungry.” Rosemary explained.
    Atticus grabbed her wrist to stop her. “It isn’t lunchtime,” Atticus informed her curtly.
    “Are you going to starve a poor, defenseless human?” Rosemary pouted.
    Atticus’ ears pointed back and gill-like flaps of skin jutted out. “You’re incredibly pitiful.”

Rosemary smirked and wrapped herself around his waist. “I’m aware of my sins, alien. Now feed me space strawberries.”

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