Demon Dads

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           "Does the runt have a name?" the grey-skinned beast questioned. 

            "Hazel...I believe," another grey-skinned beast, carefully holding a pale-skinned toddler informed him, "The mother didn't give me much information. She was quite frantic. From what I gathered, the father was coming to kill her and take the offspring. I find it odd that she conjured a demon to take care of her kid, but maybe it was a last resort."

            The first beast shrugged. "A soul's a soul, but don't you think raising a child is a little much?" 

            "Probably. But I've been kind of bored lately, and I've always wondered what it's like to be a human." The little toddler curiously grabbed onto one of his twisted horns. 

            The first beast scoffed. "You gonna get a human job and buy a house, Skarv?" 

            Skarv rolled his eyes. "I'm still gonna uphold my regular duties to Hell. I got this apartment thing, and I'll raise her part time. I just wanted to tell you because I figured you could help me raise her a little."

            "No way."

            "Oh come on," Skarv held the human out to him, "Do you want Uncle Jetis to hold you?" 

            She let out a contorted giggling sound and reached out towards him. 

            "No," Jetis said sternly. 

            "I'm not saying I want you to completely raise her. I merely hope if I need you to watch her for a bit that you will." 

            Jetis looked between him and the noisy human. Skarv suddenly pushed Hazel into Jetis' arms. He instinctively grabbed the human to keep her from falling. 

            "Take it back," Jetis held her out by her waist. She started crying and flailing. 

            "You have to put an arm under her and one around her," Skarv instructed, "Or she won't stop crying." 

            Jetis groaned, putting an arm under her and around her. 

            "Pull her in close," Skarv persisted. 

            Jetis pulled her up against him. She slowly stopped crying and began to grab at his horns instead. One of Jetis' horns had broken off to a stub and she took a particular liking to smacking at it. He reached up and grabbed a hand, audibly growling at her. Sharp, fang-like teeth protruded from over his upper lip, revealing his nasty underbite. She let out an excited intake or air. He snarled at her before releasing her hand. She pressed her hands against his cheeks to puff out his lips. She giggled. 

            Skarv snickered. "D'aww." 

            "I bet you both think this is hilarious," Jetis sulked.

            "She thinks it's hilarious. I think it's adorable." Skarv smirked. 

            "I'll eat this kid," Jetis warned, but his threat was ruined due to his mouth being mushed together. 

            "You couldn't," Skarv dismissed his threat. 

            Jetis grabbed Hazel by her ankle and dangled her over his face. His slitted, red eyes locked on her and his jaw unhinged to a ridiculous size, revealing rows and rows of teeth. A long, forked tongue snaked out, wrapping around her body. Skarv just waited expectedly. He knew that Jetis could've easily ripped off her head and devoured her by now. She was quite a small meal, really just a snack. 

            Now, she was crying and flailing, and while Jetis could easily overpower her feeble struggling, he kinda felt bad. He had killed plenty of people and enjoyed it, but she was three years old and his closest friend's kid-thing. 

            Jetis carefully wrapped the kid back into his arms and pulled her against his bony body. "I'm only not going to eat her because that would break the deal you made, and Hell wouldn't get that lady's soul." 


            He placed a hand behind her head and gently bounced her, "Aww. It's okay, sweetheart. I'm sorry I scared you. Skarv was being a dickhead, and I had to prove a point. Yeah...see, princess? You're all safe with Uncle Jetis."

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