That Estate Kinda Sus

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Note: Making a normal title 🙄❌
Making a "That Estate Kinda Sus" 😌✅

    Many visitors described the estate as strange, though the estate itself was only mildly peculiar. In each room, except the guest bedrooms, there was either a large rug that encompassed the near entirety of the floor or a tacky carpet that was never heard of in mansions such as its own. Even more so interesting, the rooms with carpeted floors also had carpeted walls.

    The walls didn't go up too high, however, for the mansion had particularly short ceilings. None of which was exactly jaw-dropping, but the house was custom built by its owner who stood at 7 feet tall, far taller than the ceiling. He always looked rather miserable walking. He had to stay perpetually hunched over, and even outside, standing tall without the constraints of the ceiling, he still walked like it was his first time.

    Another detail that raised whispery conversation amongst the guests was a rather large dog bed in almost every room. The master of the estate didn't appear to have a pet, but nobody asked in fear that it would raise a sore subject over a pet he had lost and not yet finished mourning for.

    Apart from the estate's confusing build, the only dishes he used were bowls. No matter the meal, it was always served in a bowl, sometimes several bowls per person if the meal wasn't quite accustomed to fit in a bowl. And while he had silverware, it was very clear he was just as talented at using them as he was walking.

    Now, why everything aforementioned raised quiet conversation, it was always chalked down to the quirky lifestyle of a millionaire. After all, why not have carpeted walls and only eat out of bowls? But what never failed to baffle his guests was his help. He had only had one live-in servant, and she clearly did everything from cleaning to waiting on him. When asked of her title, he simply told them to call her Leisel. No one ever asked much of the poor girl though, for they felt rather guilty that she already had so much on her plate.

    Lupidicrus, himself, was just as strange as his estate, but no one questioned him. Supernaturals were out nowadays, but not many of them were wealthy like him. At his 7 feet height, he was rather lanky and covered in fur. His face was snouted and his hands were clawed. He had the physique of a much more demented weasel with human capibilities. Despite his snout, he spoke five languages fluently and despite his claws, he had perfectly opposable thumbs.

    He had held a quaint dinner that night of only 50 people. Once the french doors closed behind his final guest, he took off his suit right where he stood and dropped to all fours.

    Leisel gave him a light scratch behind one of his pointed ears. "Go lay down. I'll take care of the dishes."

    "Clearly, you do not know me," Lupidicrus huffed before waddling back towards the kitchen.

    By the time she entered the kitchen, he had already put rubber gloves over his paws and was getting to work on the dishes. She couldn't help but smile.

    While she was the main caretaker of the house, he was pretty insistent on helping. And every two weeks, he hired a cleaning crew to come and do the heavy cleaning. For the day they were there, he would have to put on clothes, and walk on two legs, and not lap food straight from the bowl like a dog. Masking was a pain, and it was the main reason he only kept the company of one. Too many people meant too many sources for his secret to escape from.

    When they finished cleaning the dishes, they softly strolled down the halls together towards the study. Her on two feet and him on four. As he walked, she was watching hair fly off of him. 

    "You're shedding like a husky," she murmured, "You need a good brushing."

    "It's this heat," he grumbled, "My coat is thinning."

    "Do you know where your brush is?" she asked.

    "I did a quick brush over in the attic before dinner," he said, "I'll meet you in the study."

    He leapt onto the nearest carpeted wall and climbed it before pushing up on the light ceiling with his head. It lifted with him and he slipped over the wall. The ceiling slammed down behind him, and she just continued to walk on. 

    She sat waiting on the dog bed when he pranced into the room. He held the brush in his jaws but took it out with a paw to hand to her. He crawled into the bed and sprawled out over her lap with his chin resting on her farthest leg. When she started to brush his backside, he began to purr.

    "Did you have fun tonight?" 

    "Yes, but humans are exhausting." He paused. "No offense."

    She laughed. "None taken. If you prefer, I can brush in silence so you can rest."

    "You know I enjoy your company."

    "I also know you enjoy your peace and quiet," she countered.

    "While not so much quiet," he jeered, "you bring me peace."

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